These heroic dungeons are a joke

I have a morbid curiosity as to how they deemed necrotic week easy in sl.

That affix made grown strong men cry. Damn near Universally hated really as an affix. Even by good players.

It really made people do forced runs to get their completes for the week.

My guess, they will be adding mythic versions in a later patch like they did with wolk. Alpha, Beta, gamma dungeons believe they were called.


People clearly said the pre nerf dungeons in original Cata were difficult. Many also hoped that we would get those pre nerf dungeons in classic though most guessed that we would get the nerfed versions, which we did. If you’re too slow to understand what was clearly discussed on this forum the problem is you, your rather poor reading comprehension. I suggest you stick with the early Harry Potter novels or other children’s books as they’re more at your reading level.

Oh, they were pretty rough.
I think history would of repeated itself had we not had buffed tanks and nerfed dungeons

false. they are not easier solely because of knowledge, but easier mainly because of tuning.


Too bad
looks like my prot warr will sit unplayed for yet another xpac

really enjoyed tanking vanilla and tbc dungeons, and helping friends gear their chars, but lost interest in wrath

Because they said we were going to get pre-nerf Heroics. Then they went back on their word because the dev team and Blizzard couldn’t care less about Classic anymore, as you can see by the state both Cata and SoD are in.

So they were going to be difficult, but then Blizz dropped the ball and gave us post-nerfed ezmode.

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Is it really dropping the ball though?

Population has decreased every time the difficult gets jacked up.


sure but you are talking about a completely different thing…content. And I played retail when I returned. I didnt find anything “difficult” apart from Mythic dungeons after +14 or so. Raids? I dont know really but watching raid videos makes me believe nothing really is challenging

or maybe you and me have vastly different ideas of the term “difficult”

I like where they are at right now.

The dungeons are fine, we have to run like 50 of them for exalted, I don’t want a brutal slog.


They’ve been pretty tough to heal for me. What makes it harder is that the tank doesn’t care about my mana, dps ignore mechanics, and everyone needs everything for ilvl/offspec/transmog regardless of stats. People are phoning it in and it makes the game feel like a chore, at least as a healer.

There’s definitely been an erosion of the player base’s skill and compassion, in my experience.


I think they are going to do some form of gammas in cata.

The biggest differences I see are things that hurt right now usedto be one shots in prenerf. Prenerf dungeons were simply that you had to do the mechanic or you died. And obviously cc because you have a limited amount of interrupts for a pack.

First mistake of a Dev. Is to tell players how to play the game. A good Dev designs a fun game and gets out of the way. The players show the Devs how the game should be played.

Shame the Devs were so stubborn and didn’t listen to what matters “The Players”. This is what hurt Retail for many expansions. Players are right and Devs can be wrong. So when the Devs say “You aren’t playing it right” That automatically means they failed at the design. The players are supposed to play the game how they want. Player agency.

With that said my favorite part of a mechanic is being strong enough to ignore that mechanic. That is the fun. MMO players aren’t looking for challenging content. They are looking to have fun and meet new people while picking up Epic loot. That’s the point of an MMO.

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So you… Came back in a timeframe where +12s-+15s weren’t particularly difficult beyond finding decent people to run with (before this season, anyways), didn’t do Mythic raiding at all, and… Assumed that your lack of experience at the top end of retail content meant there was no difficult retail content?

To some extent, sure. There are some that do want challenging content, and Retail provides it.

Me, I play Wrath/Cata because they’re a way for me to play with family and friends that don’t enjoy the stress of Retail endgame while just chilling.

Retail is a failed MMO. It doesn’t deliver the MMO experience that’s why Classic exist.

MMO players aren’t looking for challenging content. MMO’s by nature aren’t supposed to be hard. Trying to make MMO’s hard goes against that natural design of an MMO.

There is a 1% that thinks MMO should be challenging. It’s a mistake to ruin an MMO for the 99% who know what an MMO is supposed to be about. That 1% should create it’s own challenges and do (Speed runs, HC runs only 1 life, Beat a raid in only Green gear)

The Devs made a serious mistake with Retail and starting that garbage that is M+ and MDI etc trying to create Esports. The Devs are to blame for not understanding what an MMO is and the poor design they decided to implement for the 1%.

  • If you want harder dungeons? Do it in Green gear, challenge other players to do it. Play HC mode while doing it. You die your character is deleted. Stop trying to ruin the game for the 99% when you can create your own dam challenges.

How so?

Retail isn’t hard unless you pursue the content that is difficult. There is plenty of content in every season for every bracket of player.

M+ is pretty generally popular, and the MDI is a fairly niche event that Blizzard hosts. Unless you’re just going with the “MDI means Blizzard wants an esport” route, which is a very tired and very dead horse.

Retail isn’t ruined for the 99%, unless the 1% getting an extra raid difficulty/dungeon difficulty scaling past any point that matters to the general playerbase is a problem to you. Except in a general sense, raiding and M+ aren’t a 1% content bracket. Mythic raiding and people who push past KSH, maybe, sure, but those aren’t the only difficulties that exist.


Retail isnt an mmo. Its a fine arpg, but mmo it is not.

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Retail needs to pull back on all the animation bloat for it to be good again.

There’s just too much going on.

I would really just settle for the old premop damage numbers at this point. The addon cant overcome the nameplate limitation.