Theres been a recent change on WHERE you are allowed to use your covenant abilities

The established trend isn’t why they reverted. They wanted to create a new isolated utilization of skills to give meaning to eras and regions of WoW. Had this gone through (and if any legacy stuff was still active) it would have been blacklisted as well to keep parity. But they pulled back to suit gameplay as they should.

Bro quit trying to make excuses for them.

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Oh no, I won’t be able to use these two expansion abilities when I’m doing content where I one shot things with my white auto attacks.

I’m glad they actually listened and communicated. Blizz needs to do more of that.

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I give them crap for plenty of other things. Read all my posts from before today. Your tribalism is stupid.

Actually, yes you will :

wow it’s almost like it doesn’t matter either way.


Don’t mind him he spent practically all day in here arguing with someone too courteous to tell him to shut up.

Ion literally said in his post that it feels bad when these powers go away at the end of the expansion and it makes our characters feel incomplete. Why then, does the dev team continue to insist on these systems of borrowed powers that we lose in 2 years. Why do they think that its fun to lose those powers and why did they think that restricting us having access to them in the expansion they were introduced in was the answer to that instead of I don’t know… NOT relying on borrowed powers to prop up gameplay and character identity in the first place?

Why is this the hill they want to die on?

Edit. i spel gud

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I guess it worked though. I got mine. :kissing_heart:

Meanwhile you’ve been in here all day too.

Because they have made the game into diablo. They need the seasonal chase to bring back players. Borrowed power is the allure they are trying to create to bring people back. That’s it.

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Raiimir, elementary school to 20??

Fastest backtrack I’ve EVER seen from Blizzard. God damn.

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Removing my prior post, in light of the fact that once again Watcher has proven to be the reliable hand that turns the ship back in the direction it is supposed to go. Thank god he’s still at Blizzard. I’d have no remaining faith otherwise.

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I’ll take that as an apology for all my time you wasted this afternoon.

Thank you Blizzard!!!

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I left in the first quarter or third. You wasted your own time screaming into a vacuum because you don’t respect your own time. Blame yourself.

I’m glad they did this “experiment” in beta and not in live.

Thank you for reverting it.

How is getting exactly the response I wanted from blizzard “screeching into a vaccuum” ?

Why are you so salty that these threads helped us get this reverted ASAP ?

I’m all for this. Let them screw up and make mistakes so that people can shrug off this illusion of they can do no wrong or that they need to stick with it or foolishly preordering a product which causes blizzard to become complacent.