Yay, I’ve got to use this twice today!
This has already been addressed by GM’s. It’s been removed from the bmah minus the containers. Aka you can’t just pay gold cap for it, you have a 1/3000 chance it drops from a BMAH container that go for anywhere from 200-400k and then you could open it to find you just paid 400k for a green shirt. They basically screwed over anyone trying to get the Bruto off the bmah.
My ticket to them three weeks ago got me the response that it’s in the rotation according to their knowledge and that there are no verified bug reports associated with it showing up (that second part peeved me hardcore).
Do you have something recent that says otherwise? I haven’t seen a blue straight-up state it’s been removed from the rotation. Even though we know it basically has been since it’s now been a full year since it’s appeared any ANY US realm.
Deleted due to being a necro thread
Bad necro bad
To the people who have received ticket responses about this…
Unfortunately I’ve learned not to trust even information that’s come from ticket responses.
I’ve personally had ticket responses say everything from the Aeonaxx mount was not a guaranteed drop rate on kill, to even one saying you had to participate a certain amount/percentage of damage in a fight to be eligible for loot instead of just a damaging “tag” being sufficient, I’ve also had them lie about what their records show, as well as various other simple and should be obvious to anyone who played situations. Any information that is said with their ticket responses could just as easily be as false as random rumors…
As far as the auctioneer Mount itself, I know if they ever did put one in the blizzard store, I would buy it in a heartbeat.
Knowing blizz this new boat boat boat boat boat boat boat boat boat boat auction house mount wont float either!
Rabble rabble

What we really need is a barbershop mount!
Nah, let’s get a mount with a mobile innkeeper.
Just had to reply because you clearly don’t work in software engineering, so you are misinforming people with your current knowledge. I’m a dev so I’ll help you out.
When you choose to interact with the auctioneer (the little gear), what it’s actually doing in running a function internally. When that window pops up, a connection is created from that window instance with the appropriate behavior (function) and in this case, those functions involve reaching out to the server. The client, upon receiving a response (say you are searching for “bag”, we call this a query) renders the information in the window appropriately.
So to inform you, what is happening “work” and “load” wise:
- Your client creates the auctioneer/mount/window (load on your pc)
- The server registers you’ve created an object and renders the mount/npc (no different than currently mounting)
- You interact with the auction window (load on your pc)
- You interact with the blizzard internal service (api request - load on the network)
- You receive a result and it is rendered in the auction window (load on your pc)
So now we’ve established that most of the work is actually handled by your machine.
What about that “server load?”
Well, it’d be no different from what the auction house already is encumbered by. We already know bots exist that open the auction window, do some n number of automated auction behaviors, and then close it. Each one of those behaviors is a load (in your terms) on the server. Assuming that everyone had this mount, you would definitely have more people accessing the auction house, but from where is pointless to the server. If you are worried about the amount of “bandwidth” that the API/Databases (each request is a read/write/modify/etc and that has an actual dollar cost at the end of the day); then I would say the elephant in the room (and the actual problem) is scripters/action bots.

You heard it? From where?
The grapevine.(walks off wearing sunglasses and singing)

I heard Gnomes will get the “Ride Tauren” ability whereby we get to mount any Tauren player and hijack their controls.
only if they buy them an expensive dinner first.
your mom kek