There is no whispers in silithus

So i’ve got quest item from islands

and it sends me in Silithus to talk with Cultist. And he says after sword hit - whispers stopped… So. C’Thun is dead? AFK?

Probably too wounded to do much of anything.

I think Azerite is a combination of titan and old god blood.

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wonder if stuff from islands even should be considered canon.

Like vrykul quest where it stated Helya still alive and kicking

Well, they are canon until Blizzard says otherwise. Besides, Blizzard has a “Kael’thas rule” with an Onyxia exception. Until you have fought a boss/villain at least twice, they are probably going to remain relevant to the lore.

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I think Blizzard all but confirmed some of the island crap quests are canon - though not which ones.

I remember they said some of those teasers will lead to stuff before BfA is finished.

Which ones will actually lead to more content can be anyone’s guess. But that would mean at least some, if not all, are canon.

Maybe, in consideration a wound of the World Soul Opened - So too, did an opportunity … And thus, C’Thun decided to focus it’s whispers to a much larger goal.
One of such, the Old Gods have desired for a very. Long. Time … Possibly since their dawn - Perhaps, the very reason for their birthed-creation … :smirk:

Or they forgot then will retcon this into what he was doing latter when they need to get out of a corner.

Sad, but true. :frowning:
One can at least have high hopes though, hey? :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:

Hope… wait a minute … sylvanas is fighting to kill hope… the writters kill hope… sylvanas has made a pact with the writters to kill hope.


Or … y’know … she has some connection to Yogg-Saron “Hope’s End”? Seriously, take a look at all his dialogue in Uldaur and tell me Sylvanas hasn’t fallen prey to such mentalities. Hell, she splatted herself against a building made of HIS Blood to kill herself; and she’s been making deals with Heyla (who according to Xal, Loken did a WONDERFUL job turning … who was turned by Yogg himself).

As for C’Thun … MOTHER does mention another Titan Construct nearby that she knows little about (and warns we should not go there). Something tells me Sargaras was aiming for the giant Eye … rather than the World Soul. I mean … what where C’Thun’s final words to us in AQ? “Your HEART will explode”? Man, if only we had some fancy necklace called the “Heart of Azeroth”…

C’thun has been dead for some time. That didn’t stop him from whispering. What I take away from the whispers stopping after the sword arrived is not to mean C’thun was destroyed, but rather that he has far more interesting things going on beneath the sands than whispering to some rando cultists.

Whatever C’thun is up to, it requires his full attention.

I like my theory more who kills hope more than the writters and executives ?

Well the black scale leads to Wrathion’s agents that tells you to keep your ears open and 8.2.5 has him being involved in the heart of Azeroth new questile.

Sargeras’s Sword was poisoning Azeroth so it is possible that the Fel was poisoning the Void Energies making the part of C’Thun in Silithus just as inert as the Heart of Y’Shaarj was after Garrosh drained it.

As for the part of C’Thun in Ahn’Qiraj: Cho’gall was last seen draining it’s energies into himself.

Hmm … i’m not so sure, didn’t Med’an’s story get pretty heavily retconned? If that is the case we actually know little about the current fate of C’thun. I would argue that if ANY Old God was in influence during BoT, it was probably C’thun … but its just conjecture at that point.

Why an Onyxia exception? We did fight a reanimated Onyxia a second time in BWD😂

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… why wouldn’t they be?

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Well sone of it suggests a dead character fsked their death or gave up on their revenge despite that being all they wanted and another proves in a way that azeroth is doomed given old gods have from a single cell levels of regen

When I said Onyxia exception, I mean we end up fighting her 3 times(although one of those said times was a remake of her original raid, so it is kinda hazy sort of deal)

I don’t see how either of those things should make any of it non-canonical. We’ve had characters fake their death in the past (wasn’t even really her faking her death, Helya just reconstituted herself), and Azeroth has been “doomed” before.

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