There is a massive sundering in Timbermaw Hold

Just a huge glass wall that acts solid and prevents mouse-over and movement through it, it’s invisible and cannot be seem, and you cannot move through or around it… but you can see it from outside the hold, flying above it and if you drop into it from above, it disconnects you because the game does not expect you to be in that space.

Blizzard what the heck did you do, is there a pencil tool in the dev kit to draw boundaries or something? How does something this gigantic happen by accident? D:


The wall is still there. I cannot interact with the tailoring trainer in the hold at all.

This kind of thing would have been hotfixed in a matter of hours if it was anywhere near current content. There’s no way anything like it should ever happen but here we are `~`

Encountered the wall as well. Blizz pls fix

Update: Found out that the wall is only there if BFA, “present” Darkshore is active. If you go back to “past” Darkshore the wall disappears.