There are obviously some changes necessary for TBC

If there’s a gold cap they’ll have to announce it, and people will just blow any gold in excess of that cap on Vanilla consumables/crafted items that are still useful in TBC, and/or services like boosts/GDKP etc. Worst case scenario they’ll sink it into crafted gear that can be vendored for a decent amount of raw gold and thus take a discount. In short, a gold cap alone will do absolutely nothing to protect larger TBC economies from inflaton, people will still find a way to be able to buy epic flying on day 1.

Why would they have to announce it?

And what is more likely:

  • Day 1 epic flying with tens to hundreds of thousands of gold brought over with a character transfer
  • Day 1 epic flying with a cap of say 1000G brought over with a character transfer?

(And if there is a cap, it should be a cap per bnet account, not per character)

Being a try hard has nothing to do with this.
It’s about being able to keep what you have earned.
It’s that simple.


Trick question: anyone starting at 1k gold going forward into TBC is going to Day 1 of being 70 get epic flying from all the free gold dumped on them for the “price” of simply leveling their character and completing quests.

Stripping everyone down to zero gold would be the only way to ensure the most casual of folks don’t hit epic flying in the first day of dinging 70, but acquiring such gold will be a snap. If you completely ignored gold farming methods that are limited to TBC or newly discovered in the Vanilla content because of TBC, you could take the same half-epic geared Mage you use for AoE farming right now, repeat w/e solo farm that is currently available, and do it faster and safer while snagging boatloads of raw gold and vendor drops. Absolutely nothing is stopping a lvl70 Mage from doing Stratholme runs, resisting 90% of the damage, and blowing everything to kingdom come while scoring hundreds of gold an hour from just raw drops. Likewise with ZG, or Scholo, or LBRS/UBRS, or w/e else kooky things people come up with to abuse old content.

Plus boosting will still be a premium go-to for gold, now more than ever with the higher cap and the emphasis on quickly leveling Horde Paladins and Alliance Shaman.

EVERYONE is going to have epic flying in TBC, without struggle, and once epic flying is acquired all that is left is crafting materials and consumables, which can be solo’d and vary from class to class and role to role. TBC will see people (somewhat pointlessly) amass hundreds of thousands of gold without much effort.

GDKPs in TBC are going to be so much fun and so stupidly lucrative too. I can’t wait!

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copy character data on tbc release night, paste character data to corresponding tbc server, everyone keeps everything nobody loses anything everyone is happy. no stupid gold cap, no stupid “u can transfer if you want to” just copy paste. literally all you have to do. anything else is just banter at this point.


Wrong because you make the classic servers a ghost town of copies. Has to be either transfers to TBC or from TBC back to classic that way blizzard can properly gauge server populations. Copies produces a lot of problems for the base server.

either case the logic step is the following…

Lets face it no one wants to play on a dead server and that will be the best way to proceed on a large scale.

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that doesnt make any sense at all

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Players choose which is the version they want to play. Without choice one or the other will be ignored. There has to be a choice. Its the best direction to ensure those whom want to play classic and not go to TBC will be on a server that has a sustained population of Active players not a plethora of unplayed copies.

There are many reasons I think this is a bad idea.

If you want a blood elf or draenei you shouldn’t get a special race AND a special privilege.

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the best part about copying character data on tbc release night and pasting it over to the corresponding tbc server is that your classic character remains completely untouched, ready for you to continue on in classic when tbc launches, AND your character is also in tbc, with your classic gear, gold, mounts, ect. nobody loses anything and all player’s desires are fully facilitated with no drawbacks whatsoever.

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And for those that wanted to stay playing classic only 90% of server will be gone to TBC and you will be in a ghost town. Best to allow players the option to Transfer down to classic stasis servers that way you will be surrounded by poeple who will be actively playing classic not TBC. Think on the matter it is what makes the most sense.

people will play the game they want to play regardless of whether or not they have to manually transfer their character or if their character gets automatically copied for them. my solution simply saves the players the step of having to click through ui elements and waiting for the same result. you think classic will be a ghost town after tbc releases? ok? what, you think making people have to manually copy their characters wont make that the case?

you clearly think im saying TRANSFER when what im actually saying is COPY

They wont do copies… it will be transfers that is the logical choice. Copies are a cop out and would produce problems of having full servers of copies that 90% wont play because they are playing their real characters in TBC or wrath in the long run. Transfers are the only way to gauge what the player wants to do with his or her character in a permanent way.

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you can copying characters does not cause any of the problems you are worrying about. people will play either classic or tbc based on their own understanding of reality. there is no need to try and control people. you are afraid of “classic becoming a ghost town” when the reality is you cant force classic to not become a ghost town.

Classic, TBC, Wrath or whichever else version they want to pop out of the woodwork at the very least deservers the foresight to have servers that have player populations that are dedicated to playing that version of the game. Quick example better to have 1 server with Strong population than 10 servers with fragmented populations. The only and best way to do this is with Each Launch of a NEW Iteration of the game Transfers are allowed to the Previous Version that way the players whom want to stay in said iteration are grouped together thus keeping server(s) with a healthy population to support all the players needs (raiding, pvp battle grounds, arenas).

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you clearly dont understand what im saying at all

i think what you were getting at is that you want the classic servers to not be dead. ok. obviously blizzard will server merge low population servers together if need be.

You get to keep what you earned in the game you earned it in. This isn’t retail where there are expansion. Classic versions of WoW are museum pieces.

Blizzard has already named it Classic: the burning crusade.
It seems obvious to me that Classic in its entirety will be the past iterations of wow as they were. The 2004-present timeline but starting from 2019.
This isn’t retail - yes. But TBC is an expansion and this will play out exactly like an expansion.