There are obviously some changes necessary for TBC

The only necessary change is in Blizzard’s approach to implementing a faithful recreation of the game as it was.

That is to say, they need to actually implement no changes this time around.


Yes copies

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Why is this “obviously necessary” ? Nothing is stopping you from leveling after TBC launches. You don’t NEED a level 60 belf/draenei before TBC launches.


You skipped the part where Cthun stated: “Most agree that”
Look again and you’ll see he used exactly the same phrase I did on the same subject except he was arguing opposite. Might want to check things before you discredit yourself.

I know servers aren’t cheap

Servers are hilariously cheap. The level of advancement in enterprise hardware from 2004-2006 to 2020 is utterly insane. You could go to eBay right now and for under $5000, buy enough used Dell PowerEdge servers to would run a half-dozen WOW Classic realms at the same quality of player experience that Blizzard runs them at.

It is isn’t hardware cost that would prevent Activision-Blizzard from adding new servers, I can assure you of that.


No, we do not agree. Frankly I don’t even want a move to The Burning Crusade. I’ve already done everything in that expansion there was to do, and most of it I did at an extremely high level of play.

I definitely don’t want to start over in vanilla WOW on Classic servers just to get back to Naxx 40 raiding status, which is the only reason I’m playing classic to begin with… to finish Naxx 40 because we only had 6 months to do it 14 years ago.


Yeah don’t hold your breath man, Blizzard sucks now.

To be fair you had from June 2006 to November 2008…the launch of Wrath, when it was replaced. It just wasn’t relevant after TBC launched.

the best course of action is to release tbc as it was patch 2.0.3, and progress it as closely as the progession went back in 2007. a lot of concern is about the raid difficulty and the nerfs that make 2.4.3 different significantly from 2.0.3

Not only was it “not relevant”, you had 10 extra levels. Even doing it before the official TBC launch, but after the TBC talent tree was available isn’t the same as doing it as it was in 1.12.

And yes, you can argue that it’ll “never be the same”, because 1) players know so much more about the game and how to theorycraft and 2) you can’t go back in time, but I’m not asking to go back in time, I’m asking for a moment in time to be preserved, which is possible.

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If I cant play the toon I hit rank 14 on in TBC I wont be interested in playing it.


No, we do not agree.

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this is the problem with TBC, people that want to play paladin are going to reroll BE for Seal of Blood. Seal of Mytra or w/e the alliance version should have been the same thing but named differently like Heroism/Bloodlust. But I think that even those two were different in comparison if memory servers right. I think they eventually changed those two to be the same.

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Okay, the grammar makes it hard for me to figure out exactly what you’re saying.

Heroism and Bloodlust are mechanically identical from the start. Draenei just aren’t big on acknowledging they can feel bloodlust.

Seal of Blood, which Blood Knights get, is useful for Retribution paladins only. If you have high spell damage and low strength like every vaguely competent Holy and Protection paladin, it does significantly less damage than Seal of Righteousness.

Seal of Vengeance, which Alliance paladins get, applies a stacking DoT, and when Judged deals damage based on the number of stacks of that DoT on the enemy. It’s the best tanking seal by a distance. Since I don’t give a flying **** about PvP, I would be outraged if my paladin tank had Seal of Vengeance taken away and was given worthless Seal of Blood in exchange. Don’t mistake the volume at which PvP-related demands are expressed for them being universal by any means.

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people who want gold caps have no brains.

this wont do anything at all.

BC naturally pumps in more gold than classic because of increased quest gold reward, and mobs dropping more raw gold.

the gold that comes from classic will be a drop in the bucket by the time BC is finished.

so to call for a gold cap or gold reset or w/e you poor people keep advocating for. is dumb.


Ok bye then getting rid of try hards will only help this game anyways.

Really now? That is the argument you are going with?

I mean we have no real gold sinks and gold flows like water. 5k for flying would be cheap NOW with just solo farming.

Just allow race changes.

Just make it so everyone starts at level 1 and you have to hit 70 before you can make a Belf or Draenei. I would also accept completely deleting those races.