There are no mats on small servers, Please merge AHs across regions

I use that mechanic to buy mats. If I see someone cancel scanning then I keep undercutting them until the price gets low enough and then buy all their mats. They fall for it all the time. I’m always doing it with potions and oils to fill the guild bank because no one expects you to buy 400 potions. One time I beat the price down from 39g to 9.99g.

Yeah that’s the “common” wisdom (I think), if you do a search on

for ‘low vs high’ or ‘small vs large’ servers the common answer you’ll get is something along those lines

High pop = frequent small sales
Low pop = infrequent ‘bigger’ sales

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I suppose I could move a toon to a large server and buy a load of mats and then move it back. I’m sure blizz accountants love that idea, though, and I don’t want to encourage them.

This is true, I could farm and sell ore and make good gold but my goal isn’t really “making gold” I like crafting and want to level my crafting. I just need not to go broke and be able to play comfortably, so that is my main goal.

they def don’t need to merge AH and potentially damage server culture/economy.

i would hope they wouldn’t make that drastic of a change to the game for this rent-a-legendary system we probably won’t ever see again…

The disparity between large and small servers is damaging the server culture / economy by forcing everyone to cram up a few big servers. I’m considering moving toons to a full server, making it even fuller because the AH sucks so bad. In the early days of the game I leveled toons on multiple servers to play with different people so I have toons scattered all over.

We are seeing the manifestation of this on the Maelstrom connected realms where 262 base items are 2-3 times (still) what they are on Proudmoore and other bigger realms. It still really is a problem and merging AH per region or battlegroup would really help.

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There’s potential to make gold farming ore, but that’s not what I want to do. I want to level crafting. What people on large servers don’t realize is that node respawn rates slow down when fewer people are in the zone. So in an empty server you can’t really farm as much as you think.

yeah, i’m all for merging not only AH but more servers. Wow’s pop is dwindling and its no fun to play on empty servers

And those zones are now pretty empty so the respawn rates for nodes are slow, esp in low pop. realms.