You know where there aren’t bots? The Deviate Delight server on Era.
Tried to kill a bot on this server and the Horde players healed it and killed me lmao
Community is cooked
They don’t identify as bots but player type 1 or player type 2. Blizzard will do nothing.
It’s a bit obvious at this point the term [Bot] is used loosely. If you’re speaking specifically in regard to the Anniversary Servers, it’s a Mega Server and some of the ‘Bots’ are just lemmings with a language barrier. While in my opinion it’s definitely out of control and presumably some are actually paid actors Unless they move forward with TBC Era and split up some of the servers instead of just carrying on this iteration into TBC. you’re going to see said ‘Bots’. People are probably ‘swiping’ in some sense of the word another term loosely being used because I’m willing to guess some aren’t paying RMT services but rather buying Blizz money in retail and paying for a convenience fee to transfer it here but that’s a whole other topic and this sentence has ran on…
I only know of people who have transferred their gold from Retail to here and none that have used the aforementioned loophole but let’s be real.
If they are getting wow token gold playing from legion, they’ve done something very wrong.
I know I wait to see how good or bad midnight is. If good, cool. If bad…also cool. I’d see what a few million gold gets for token time as that is the hail mary lol. if the pass doesn’t land, I don’t need that gold in retail anymore.
You’re silly.
Do yourself a favour and learn how bots operate. You cant just remove them. One gets banned, then 2 more appear . Its endless cycles.
Hail hydra