There are 8 portals in Oribos

I believe night warriors go to Ardenweald by default. General “worshippers” probably don’t have an afterlife.

That’s probably true. :gift_heart:

It’s just that worshiping of Elune usually involves the promise of going to her once you die so for me Shadowlands feels hollow without a confirmation that there is in fact a special place Elune takes her children to be forever by her side.
I don’t need to go there but at least maybe a hint that such place actually exists would be perfect.

Based on the health of the enemies in Desmotaeron (a priest using mind vision or a shaman using far seer can see), they have a crap ton of health compared to anything in the game so far in regards to outdoor zones. With some of the elites having at least 1 million health. So my guess is that Desmotaeron will be saved until the final patch.

Might just be an aura buff (like the DOT you get if you try to go in) so we don’t snoop

Not that either of those things stopped me and my eye of killrogg :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp::triumph::triumph::triumph::triumph::triumph:

So far I’ve found some strange floor textures, and a blue orb within a portal like structure

Argus was 3 Zones! Krokuun, Antoran Wastes and Mac’Aree.

Sir c’mon now lmao if you want to count it as three mini-zones instead of one giant zone, sure

That, or only group quests will ever direct you there? A group-or-you-will-die area like old Stromgarde or Jintha’alor would fit well with Blizzard’s the-Maw-does-not-care-for-your-comfort designs for the zone so far… :yum:

You mean WoD. Technically Tanaan Jungle was meant to be in the game from the start, so it wasn’t really a new zone.

well WoD was gunna have post launch zones originally via Farahlon but it was cut and Tanaan made the post launch zone. So regardless it was always planned for a new zone to be added.


If you are referring to the one you can see to the north east of Bastion, that is the uninstanced spires of ascension. It is also where the new arena is located (which is also where the path of ascension mini game for Kyrians takes place).

Cata gave us the Molten Front, which is a new zone.

Wrath did give us a “new zone” too (the island off the north coast of Icecrown) but I wouldn’t really call that a new zone, it is used for a couple of daily quests for the AT when 3.2 launched.

In fact I don’t think there has been a WoW expansion that has not given us a new zone. WoD is a strange case since Taraan was meant to be at launch, but was cut back to 6.2 when Faralon (old Netherstorm) was cut.

TBC gave us the Isle of Quel’danas in 2.4
Wrath gave us Hrothgar’s Landing in 3.2
Cata gave us the Molten Front in 4.2
MoP gave us the Isle of Thunder in 5.2 and the Timeless Isle in 5.4
WoD is a special case
Legion gave us Argus in 7.3. The broken shore got an update in 7.2, but it was there at launch as a mostly empty zone beforehand
BFA gave us Mechagon and Nazjatar in 8.2

So let us see what Shadowlands will bring.

The islands around Ardenweald are designed for Night Fae with the rank 3 teleport network, so I doubt there would be anything going on those in a later patch.

Not sure about Revendreth, but they are most likely there to show how the zone is crumbling under the Anima drought that Daddy D caused.