Theory on the Jailer

The Jailer looks to have originally been the Titan of Death, the most powerful of the titans. At some point long ago he likely went out of control and tried to kill everything, so the other titans teamed up and defeated him. They couldn’t permanently kill the titan of death, so they did the next best thing, they stripped him of his titanic powers and created a prison for him, the Maw. As for his titanic soul? They took it and seeded into a world, such that something good could grow from evil. That world? Azeroth.

This budding titan world is so powerful, so fought-over, so integral to the cosmos, because it is the world that contains the essence of the Titan of Death. And he wants it back. He has slowly been using his minions, the Nathrezim, to manipulate entire worlds and factions to his ends. And with the attack by Sargeras on Azeroth, he has his chance. Normally it would be impossible to reclaim his essence from Azeroth. The Titans sealed it away. But with Sargeras damaging the world, and with the help of Sylvanas, a way has been opened from Azeroth directly to the Maw. From there the Jailer will try to draw back the titan soul and reclaim his lost power so that he might inflict vengeance and death upon the cosmos.

Edit: Put “Lich Queen” instead of Sylvanas for some reason


Who is the Lich Queen?

Purge yourself of this desire for chaos.

I like it!!

hopefully its true

Good catch, I meant Sylvanas

Are you saying that Azeroth’s Titan soul is actually the Jailer, or that there are two Titan souls in the planet? Azeroth has been referred as she by Magni, the Speaker. I don’t think he’d be misinterpreting things so wildly, especially with all the technobabble he did with the Heart this expansion.

It’s also a little derivative of Sargeras’ storyline, just switched around. Instead of overpowering and capturing the Pantheon, they capture the Jailer instead.

Well, you raise a good point, I’m not sure. It could be the Jailer’s power from before, but the Jailer could instead just be an opportunist who saw this chance to claim the power of a yet-to-be Titan of tremendous power. If it’s the former then it could have been a slap-dash job. When Aman’thul ripped the old god Y’shaarj out of Azeroth he severely wounded her. Maybe that was the point at which the essence of a titan was used to heal her, creating a light/dark dichotomy, much like Elune. It could predate the actions of the Titans too. It could be the First Ones that ripped the power away from the Jailer. Not much has been revealed about them yet.

The Jailer has an empty space just matching the Orb inside the Arbiter…

Either someone ripped out the Jailer’s Soul and shoved it somewhere we don’t know about, the Jailer carved out the hole in his chest in order to shove the Arbiter’s Orb into it or the Jailer is not Zovaal but the Arbiter(with the traitor Zovaal being the Runecarver)!

Interesting! I expected the Jailer to take the Heart of Azeroth (borrowed power) and place it into the hole in his chest, to seal the deal on stealing Azeroth’s soul. I figured that’s how they’d separate us from the Heart.

In the lastest pre patch quest, didn’t that mawsworn you kill say something about the worlds soul being claimed by the Jailer? Implying that Azeroth is dying?

Or that they’re actively trying to kill it. Or that, with the Veil shattered, the Jailer could cross over and just take it, if he can escape from the Maw.

Magni seemed to imply that Azeroth is no longer bleeding to death, and might even be beginning to heal.


Yes, and it’s all too convenient that the Jailer is missing his heart and we’ve spent all our time concentrating Azeroth’s power in an item called the Heart of Azeroth. The question is, is this caused by manipulations from the Jailer? Or is this just convenient happenstance?

You mean, Argus?

Yeah, I highly doubt the jailer is a Titan they don’t go to the SLs after they die.

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