Theory: Calia is installed as leader as compensation for Sylvanas

The Forsaken need a leader and the Alliance knows someone who is conveniently undead, has a claim to the throne of Lordaeron and doesn’t like blighting people. The newly formed Horde council agrees, because they’re hardly in a position to refuse and don’t have anyone else lined up anyway.

Is this realistic, or does it imply the Alliance has too much backbone?

Yes the Horde is ruined to appease to the Alliance whining.

You win. You managed to kill my hope.


That was my goal.


Unless Anduin unites with the Horde to fight Tyrande when she goes all crazy like and disrupts the peace in the name of vengeance, the Alliance has no backbone

Do you think Anduin will turn his forces on her? I don’t.

Dislike the idea of Calia as the Forsaken leader. She knows nothing of their culture or who they are as a people. Creepy Light raised chick doesn’t belong there, imo.


Exactly. If she’s leader, it makes zero sense that it happens because the Forsaken want it to.

Eh? This makes no sense to me.

She suffered a lot through Arthas and the Scourge.

A lot of Undead are victims of the Scourge and Sylvanas randomly taking out Saurfang might make them open to a more gentle leader.

I can definitely see Calia being a leader or at least an icon for Undead.

I’m Derek Proudmore and I approve this message.

Yes, I’m an outsider. But that just means I will fight the establishment for YOU the common forsaken man and woman and ensure that you have a future. That the Horde has a Forsaken Future! And the Alliance (which I know better than others) respects that Forsaken Future!

Derek is Proud
Derek means More

Derek is…
The New Choice. The Right Choice.

(paid for by the Derek in 2020 Committee)


Alliance complains Sylvanas is bad > shes gone
Alliance complains Horde does bad things > we become the good guys
Alliance complains everyone joins the Horde > Blizzard finds a way to make people stop playing the game


Wow. That’s some serious amounts of reaching and weird made up stuff.

Horde complained just as much about Sylvanas being evil. Horde also complained constantly about being portrayed as the bad guys. And your last point… I don’t even have words for that insanity.

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Its mostly Alliance that was complaining these I hate Sylvanas threads were mostly painted in Blue not Red.


Ah, starting the morning off with incoherent babble, I see.

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You’ll find anything to attempt to make this some Alliance thing. :roll_eyes:

Go look up the threads. The ones one I’ve looked up so far were Alliance discussing what kind of evil or why and whether it even made sense. Horde threads were in defense of not being evil and complaining she’s Garrosh 2.0.

Both sides were unhappy with her portrayal. Stop trying to twist things.

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Yes, because what’s the best way to handle a race that was ditched by their leader?

To give them a child princess that ditched them when the kingdom was metaphorically on fire… and she thinks that she has any sort of right to be put in that position…

You’re overlooking a major difference.

Horde were unhappy because we knew exactly where it was leading… to another Horde leader on the chopping block.

Alliance were unhappy because “she’s mean and burned mah tree!” and were calling for her head.

Big difference.


All they said was “both sides were unhappy” though, why does there being a difference matter?

Ever heard of the term “false equivalency”?

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Most threads under the search of “Sylvanas is evil” by alliance players are discussions about why and what kind of evil.

Let’s not get all ridiculous here and make this into some twisted faction bs.

Will Forsaken NPCs start yelling “For the Light Lady!” ?

Well technically Calia is the only member entitled to lead Lordaeron. That’s if we want to respect law and tradition.

On another note, I think many of you haven’t acknowledged that the Forsaken have changed. If you read Before the Storm, it is clear that there is (was) an increasing number Forsaken who grew tired of Sylvanas because they feel she effectively abandoned them to carry out her task as the new Warchief, which is why the Desolate Council was formed to start with. Many of them also had mixed feelings when remembering their old lives as alive humans, and missed their beloved families. In fact, a reunion was organized by both Anduin and Sylvanas where Forsaken and Human families saw each other again. Many of the Forsaken proceeded to leave behind Sylvanas and the Horde, walking with their families to the Alliance side. This is what triggered Sylvanas’ psychopathy and started a killing spree, killing Calia as well.

This is the latest Forsaken lore - the “mysterious cold insentient Forsaken” is old lore, that does not seem to be their path any longer. Calia makes a perfect leader for these new Forsaken.

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