Theory as to why shamanism isn't mentioned in SL

Is not Canon ANYMORE, back then, in 2007, in 2006, in 2005…it was Canon (the irony…a canon with much more details about all races than we ever got again. You would have liked it)

Yeah, i know what i quote, i played it back then :wink:

but that not change anything that it was back then called canon and the version 2.0 (wow Edition)appeared years later…after bc…and in bc started the canon change, so in other words, it was a Retcon, you can´t debatte that fact…and Night elves are the oldest mages, the oldest druids, its kind of their Traits, thats a Reason for their deeb Connection to the nature world in the canon…to change this…would kinda ruin it, because its create a bigger plothole then we have…right now.

(why have Zandalari never helped the night elves in Rebuilding the world…and bring back the nature in balance, why they never showed up to repair anything, why they never trained anything else…why the night elves have to fix things like emerald nightmare and all other races were kinda…Unaware

It would create big plotholes…and we must have changed …very much anything since the wota to bring that in context…thats the problem with retcons.

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Sure but it isn’t canon.

That’s the thing.

You cannot cling to things that aren’t canon.

You can complain about their non-canonicity sure. You can complain about what could’ve been.

But it isn’t canon.


I’m not complaining that the trolls were made probably the oldest civilization (after Titanforged and Old god civilization), but…I find it really annoying that some people want to take away everything that really gave the night elves something iconic…to give it to trolls now for example, or tauren…or (First Druid, baah, illogical…should please [insert Rnd horde people here])

I don’t disbelieve you, but people will disbelieve me, so could you gimme yonder source?

The Dazar’ai and Rezani both use the Light (via Rezan, and the Dazar’ai also use Bwonsamdi death magic, so hybrid Death-Light users) and date back to the founding of Dazar’alor and the death of Dazar.

Druids weren’t retcon’d though, canonically Gonk is the father of Troll Druids, the Troll Cenarius if you will.

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That’s very fascinating insight. I do agree SL is mucking stuff up. Similar to DC Comics New 52 that rewrote all their characters backgrounds, I might have to give up keeping track of post-shadowlands lore. If only Blizz would issue canonical rpg books that explained how things worked. But Warcraft is the poor man’s Forgotten Realms.

Looking at the lore again, the spirit world has dozens of names, including the Veil, so, shadow Azeroth/Draenor, is the ancestral plane? I might have to stick to my original idea to keep from going cross-eyed trying to figure it out.

There isn’t a perceived market for the resumption of the Warcraft RPG. In fact the company that produced it… folded years ago shortly after WOTC shutdown D+D 3.5. and there hasn’t been an OGL implementation of the later versions of the game.

Blizzard did relsease a canonical book book that explained how things work: Chronicles. But like you said, WoW’s story plays out like a comic book, and any long running comic books franchise is rife with contraindicating lore and retcons.


Activision is a publicly traded company. By law they have to maximize profits for their investors. Thus the paid boosts, tokens, race changes, etc. Story and the player base don’t matter. Hooking in the casual for cash does. They will turn everything into an 80’s arcade game. They know ultimately the vast majority of gamers care about one thing. Seeing their name on some list. Their initials in the top 3 spots of Galaga. Look at the majority of forum posters (casuals at best like me). All that matters is end game and having the best of everything pretty much handed to them so they can be number one too. They don’t want to actually play the game that’s why you see everyone waiting around for a handful of players to figure it out and tell them how to play. The Meta slave is here to do one thing. Get their initials up on a board. Activision knows their audience and they will continue to take everyone’s money around the world.

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Didn’t notice the date, sorry.

Night Elf Druids are still iconic even if they arern’t first it’s still Malfurion at the closing scenes of Reign of Chaos. That said so are Drust Druids, they’re a more Celtic form of iconic.

But malfurion is still the first and therefore oldest druid. This is part of his legend

The two aren’t connected. We now know that Druids existed before Malfurion and Cenarius, but I don’t think any have reached the ripe age of 13,000 years.


We know zandalari have druids, we dont know how long they exist. So right now, malfurion is still the first

We also know that Troll civilisation preceded the Night Elves by thousands of years, and they were nature oriented from the start.

They didn’t need a demi-god to make druids out of them. They apparently did it on their own… perhaps with the insight provided by their loa.

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We know that gonk confinced the loa lately to let their follower many ways. And right now malfurion is still the first. Stop your headcanon

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Aye, Ye are a wise Demon Hunter aren’t ye? We have power many levels above those of the Druids. Problem is, the Power is nae ours. We borrow it from the Spirits and channel it through our bodies.

Aye, some do in fact do this very thing. We call them Dark Shaman or Mages. Instead of working wit’ the elements, they use arcane to dominate and control them. The Elements do nae like this as was seen when Jaina forced Water Elementals to try and Flood Org. Most mages think their constructs are just that, they are not.

“Game Mechanics =/= Lore”
These Races Practice something close enough to Druidism to allow them to be classified as such for gameplay. Tauren Paladins are nae the same as those created from the Church of Holy Light. Even though they also were allowed access to the Order Hall in Legion, though again this was likely more for Game Mechanics over actual Lore/Story.

Then again the Drust are connected to the Winter Queen’s zone. Or otherwise have access to it. Elune has a major connection to this zone as well. So…

Nae quite. The Elemental Plane ye be referring to was created to trap them like a Prison by the Titans. While ye are right and there are far and few mortals within the planes. Life and spirit is quite abundant.

Modern Druid. Tauren technically missed out on this classification due to both not actually existing, and due to their Ancestors turned away from Cenarius before he could complete their training and them entering the Emerald Dream. The Kaldorei and Malfurion were the first to Walk the dream and Become Druids as we know them today. However the Tauren’s ancestors were the first to learn a form of basic druidism and nature worship.

Alas, “were” canon, and “are still” canon be two different things. The RPG books are Canon only to the RPG, Nae World of Warcraft. They have long since been declassified as canon, though canon sources have come from them and been remade canon. Similar unfortunately how when Disney Took over Starwars 99% of the Lore became Legions continuity and not canon anymore. As far as current lore, Trolls are one of the first species to appear and the Kaldorei “evolved” from a species of Dark troll.

This does nae take away from them being the first “Druids” however they were far from Cenarious’ first students. That honor goes to the Tauren Ancestors. This also does nae mean Trolls did nae have similar magic that could be seen as druidic. Theirs is more akin to Shamanistic 'r even witchdoctor Voodoo.

Hate ta split hairs wit’ ya but no they were not. The Highborn were. The Kaldorei were not mages, they were what remained after the mages were cast out. Their Naturalist lifestyle didn’t really have a hold until after this time some 10k years ago just prior to, during and after the first invasion of the Burning Legion.

Many Highborne changed their way of life toward the Druidism, or rejoined later on the night elfs (the feralas night elves)

And even the Highborne were Kaldorei. Kaldorei is the Species.

The Tauren-Students only learned Nature magic to use, but were not fully druids, that was made clearly in 3 Sources now…they learned nature magic…but a druid is more then nature magic (Emerald Dream and all this stuff)

Oh I don’t deny that by any means. Still, it’s splitting hairs as I stated. They were one Species or Race. Just the same, you could argue that The Nightborne, Sin’dorei, and all elves are also Kaldorei, but they aren’t. The Kaldorei or Night Elves, are the nature loving group. The Highborn are the “parent” species who delved high into arcane once they discovered the Well of Eternity and “evolved” from Dark Trolls. It wasn’t until Illidan and Malfurion were born that they delved into Druidism. Thus why it is believed that Malfurion is the first/oldest Druid “As we know them today”.

This isn’t to say some were not studying nature magic as you put it.

This is the issue with in-game classes vs Lore Classes. Druidism is more than just being able to walk the Emerald Dream. Not all druids (class) were able to do it but were still seen as druids. The Trolls come to mind. The Kultirans,(drust), Gulnians (Harvest Witches). They are all “druids” just like the Tauren ancestors were.

These other “druids” are no less what they are. The problem is one’s definition of Druid. Yes, the Kaldorei and more specifically Malfurion was the first to learn how to enter The Emerald Dream from Cenarius. Thus making him the first “modern druid”.

The argument with the Tauren Ancestors along with those of the Zan Trolls as well as later in the Darkspear, and the Human practitioners is yes, they used Nature magic. That is what Druids use, “Nature… Magic”. It may be tied to Life or however the cosmology plays it with new lore. They doesn’t make them any less druids.

While I’m not sure on Trolls and their interactions with Cenarius, The Tauren’s ancestors were his students before the Kaldorei were. That is Lore and hasn’t been changed or reconed.