Theory about Nathanos' attitude

You’re probably right. Personally I say keep the undead as they are, if it offends the Chinese government, forget about them; all the stuff they do, they can take those Yuans and eat them for all I care (I might get banned for saying this jks)

On a related note, it’s funny how Blizzard claims to champion certain causes… until they find out those causes are opposed in China.


I’m busy and can’t post links but you can easily find it if you search Accolonn’s Shadows Rising Interview with Madeline Roux

Blizzard has been pretty vocal about not supporting China. They supported Hong Kong’s resistance and even gave Mei Overwatch Character supporting the cause. Blizzard has called out Blizz China multiple times for supporting the Chinese government saying it’s not the shared stance of Blizzard USA.

Are you refering to issues around censorship? Because I think tgat argument has been over exaggerated in the GD and wrongfully tied the games removal of offensive content to Chinese censorship.

There seems to be an inordinate number of Horde fans that desire to be abused in relationships with sassy NPCs…

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Now, now, don’t kink shame.

Tyrande can choke me anytime.


The alternative is to not sell the game at all. If you expect Blizzard to boycott China, it would be the same as shaming people for playing Blizzard’s games after the lawsuit. You still play, right?

I did post elsewhere that I find it surprising that some Horde players wouldn’t want to quest with Tyrande even more rather than less.

She’s still mean and not in a fun Nathanos kind of way though. It’s hard to explain. Tyrande is seriously mean, Nathanos is just a jerk. I would rather quest with him over Tyrande any day.


Were Blizzard supporting Hong Kong when they banned the pro-Hong Kong hearthstone player?

Or when they renamed all those undead groups and made new models for undead because of China’s bone taboo, like alt-Marrowgar?

I’ll have to get back to you about the Accolon interview; I found it and it’s nearly 2 hours long.

While you have a point, not necessarily; I don’t think Starcraft had to be censored for China’s market (I nearly said Overwatch… until I remembered that Tracer being lesbian is censored for China - and a few other countries too).

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Blitzchung broke the tournament’s signed players agreement by using it as a political platform. And USA Blizzard in the end took his side and gave him the prize money back but banned him for competion for a year because he broke his aggreement. Were you here for that controversy? I was.

They censor Forsaken because skeletons and undead “death” things are really unlucky and taboo in China. It’s a cultural curtesy.

I agree with you on the rest, China is slipping into some terrible patterns of totalitarianism and everyome hates them rn and consideres China a threat to the free world.

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I attributed this to Nathanos lampshading how we got handed this promotion. One minute we’re trying to prison break Saurfang, the next we’re letting Zul, Talaji and Thalyssra sneak us all out of Stormwind while we follow them, try and escape the city on Talanji’s boat, let Talanji handle the pursuit, get stuck on Zandalar, follow her to meet her dad, and BOOM. Speaker of the Horde, given to us by the king who last week wanted nothing to do with the Horde and has no position within the Horde to decide we’re their speaker.

“Hmph! Speaker of the Horde” indeed.


Nathanos is the kind of guy that says “You don’t have to outrun the bear, just your friends”.

Tyrande is the bear that’s chasing you.

It’s because she’s an attractive female character. If a woman is involved in any way people will brush off others defending them with just a “she won’t sleep with you bro” and not actually engage with whatever point is trying to be made.

You obviously don’t like Sylvanas as a character you just want to see her naked i am vry smrt.

You’re ignoring that she doesn’t look undead and Blizzard hasn’t made it a point to make her come across as such. The Forsaken tend to be written as having limbs falling off, bones poking out of their skin, tongues hanging out, there have been characters that talk about the smell of them, bugs being fairly common near them, etc.

Sylvanas has gotten none of that kind of thing, she’s just treated like any other generic living character.

“X character is mean” is always something of an eyeroll moment because players are very biased when it comes to what they consider too much in terms of character meanness. Especially when it’s linked to the faction war. Any character inherently linked to the faction war will always be viewed through a lens of bias, and players will be on a hair trigger to getting their feelings hurt.

Nathanos is linked to the faction war because it was through that lens that he became prominent as a character again, even in Legion. As a result, he’s inherently a part of that setting which creates the dislike.

Tyrande is the same, (though I will say that for some reason women characters are on thinner ice than men when it comes to strong personalities). The character is supposed to be a stern and somewhat suspicious warrior whose people have suffered a lot at the hands of the Horde, but when she so much as displays any of that you get a much stronger reaction. Same can be said for Jaina up until her heel turn.

So while much of it is writing issues, a portion is also due to players not really having the story and characterization comprehension they think they do.


She’s mean. Can we just call her that. Sometimes she unessecarily mean. Even Jarod Shadowsong didn’t want to return to Teldrassil because he was afraid Tyrande would be mean. It’s her character, she’s incredibly judgemental and doesn’t trust anyone, not even people she’s known her whole life.

See previous statement. She’s said nothing that male characters haven’t, in far harsher terms. But because she’s both Alliance and dislikes Horde, and doesn’t kiss our foreheads and give us hugs, she is mean.

If players think Tyrande is on the meaner scale, I assume they burst into tears any time someone gently corrects their grammar.


Here’s the video: I don’t know where the part is that Renautus is referring to.

Not disagreeing with your statements, but wanted to point out, like I always point out, a mitigating factor for Horde players dealing with Tyrande, specifically in Val’Sharah; our earlier in the zone interactions with Malfurion.

Malfurion greets us like we’re pals. We follow him for a bit, help him out, all like there’s no such thing as player factions. Until Tyrande suddenly reminds us.

I don’t find the way Tyrande responds to Horde players particularly mean taken at face value, but it certainly did feel mean when contrasted with how Malf behaved just minutes before.

Just a little aside I felt obligated to throw in, because the dichotomy there always hits me when discussing Horde-player perceptions of Tyrande.


It seems like he edited his original live stream interview. It was the first question he asked her and she was taken aback by it and she explained the magic around some Forsaken, like Nathanos and Sylvanas being “frozen in time” in a not exaggerated state of decay if they were raised early… but I’m not even sure if that’s lore accurate because in the book Sira sweats and that that makes her stink more in the heat because she’s decaying faster… so… yeah. Roux also tries to deflect Accolonn talking about pursuring romantic interest in a corpse in wow because they can feel themselves rotting and maggots crawling inside them and that’s why she was hired, because she writes body horror. You may have to find the unedited version but it likely no longer exists because he did get a lot of criticism for being unprofessional. He was vaping and swearing in the original live stream interview with her.


Blizzard also gave Alliance players an option to “call his bluff” when Vol’jin wasn’t nice to them during the Darkspear Rebellion.

Horde players lost their minds about Nathanos being mean to them during Legion and BfA.

It’s not specific to any character, it’s just the natural reaction from a playerbase that has had their butts kissed for years once they became The Chosen One suddenly not being treated as a god.

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I play both sides, so I’ve seen both, and it tends to just feed into my views, honestly. While certainly she responded differently than Malfurion, that’s because… they’re different characters. It’s like comparing Wrath Jaina to Wrath Varian.

Again, I see this far more with female characters than male, it seems unless the female character is an overt sex symbol akin to Sylvanas, as the ‘hot evil goth elf’, women get a much harsher view when they’re being anything but the most mild of characters.

Anyone who understands the lore objectively would assume Tyrande would be meaner than Malfurion, it makes perfect sense. She’s the military leader, while Malfurion is head of a faction that has been neutral since Vanilla.

Moreover, looking at actions over words is something people never seem to wrap their heads around. Tyrande might be ‘mean’, sure, but she never actually attacks the Horde player, nor had she so much as engaged the Horde militarily until MoP, when the Horde was under Garrosh.

It’s just really hard to look at people who are proponents of the Horde, aka the rough and tumble, edgier and less formal faction, complain about a character being mean to them. Their own commanders are meaner to them!