The Zandalari racial needs a buff

Trolling? Watch the 2v2 video out. Where the zanda mage is out healing healers, on the enemy team. While he and rogue crush everyone with ease, if no zanda on the enemy team.


Draenei Racial says hello and would like to swap racials even with the long cooldown. Gift of the freakin’ Naaru vs Regeneratin’ of a cannon fodder troll. :smiley:

Regenerate is fine as it is. It’s an out of combat heal instead of using food.

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cant find it – can you link?

You… You are so purple-y.

I would never!

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I want to be a pretty girl

This is a bait thread. 0/10

Sigh… #alwaysabloodelf


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Wait…just a few post up someone posted that it was completely OP. And he had a video link also also saying how crazy over powered it is.

That thread is getting a hell of a lot more attention and with YouTube videos to boot talking about how it’s over preforming so I would expect the exact opposite of a buff coming. Sorry.

That is the true intention of the ability. If you can pull it off during combat more power to you.

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Yeah but the planets need to align under a full blood moon while a child prodigy flawlessly plays Sweet child of mine on a recorder to pull it off in combat.

Agreed. Too easily interrupted and too long of a CD. Needs to be buffed

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The OP has been in that thread a d decided to troll by posting this one.

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You do know Elune will strike you dead for lying right?

Well that may be true, but at least it’s a skill you can learn to master.

Fair enough.

Put it on a 10Min cd and I might think it is ok.