The zandalari and the treaty

Most do, but I don’t know if the Zandalari do. They agreed to keep to their own territory back during Azshara’s reign, and in return the Kaldorei didn’t fight them. In the current situation, they haven’t done anything beyond being part of the Alliance.

I would think trolls hate kaldorei more then most of the other races. The Troll Empire’s fall started with the kaldorei.

The Kul Tiran fleet went literally went down the drain and was smashed on Nazjatar.

I mean, even I think it’s Simone Biles-tier mental gymnastics to claim that the Horde is anywhere close to victory in the war, and this after the Alliance has been fighting with one hand tied behind their backs.


One of their shipwrights uses shamanism to build a ship in a matter of hours during the recruitment quest. For all we know they’ve already rebuilt the fleet.


Jaina: The Kul Tiran fleet is scouring the seas, and Shaw has spies searching every dark corner of Azeroth. She can’t hide for long.

The Kul Tiran Fleet is still there.


Edit: Which was already stated by everyone above me. D’oh.

Datamining from 8.3 after N’Zoth’s defeat:

    Anduin: Sylvanas is out there somewhere. Until she’s brought to justice, I don’t think Tyrande or Genn will truly consider the war to be over.
    Jaina: The Kul Tiran fleet is scouring the seas, and Shaw has spies searching every dark corner of Azeroth.

You remember the old Star Trek series? The one where the Enterperise acquires fully functional Warp 13plus technology and it’s never seen again?

That quest is the same deal, that kind of ship building has no basis in lore. even in the game.

Also even that method requires the raw materials beyond which the game could depict due to technological limitations. It doesn’t make ships out of nothing. Otherwise there would be no need for Kul Tiran lumber yards.

The Nazjatar trap is the opposite of that. Smashed all the Alliance ships. Until it didn’t.


Smashed all of Grand Admiral Jess Tereth’s ships at least. Lord Admiral Jaina Proudmoore’s ships are now looking for Sylvanas according to 8.3.

One of the Alliance’s top Admirals has lost her fleet while the other top Admiral still has her own fleet. Sylvanas destroyed the Horde Naval Power while only cutting the Alliance Naval Power in half if even that.


i am a little confused on the number of fleets.
jess is in command of the 7th fleet right ? does that means that the alliance has 7 fleets? and the kultiran would be separated from that? who the hell knows.

Now we sit here and engage in critical thinking.

The Alliance was able to lose an entire fleet and still have ships available for a search.

The Horde, as best we can tell, has no ships at all. So tell me, whose War Campaign actions were more effective?


Those ships all piled up… and the one that crashes down while you’re waking up? Those are all Kul tiran.

Maybe Jaina raises them all back up like she did her dad’s ship.

I’m pretty sure that was a one time event that burned resources not renewable. The ship, after all, doesn’t fly or use those arcane cannons after the Battle of Lordaeron. Presumably it was destroyed along with the rest of her fleet.

She said that it was an old kultiran spell and she does use it on dazarlazor.
it is possible that she recovered some ships from it on top of those who were rebuilded.

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The only spells I recall her using besides her combat spells were teleportation and one that froze the sea solid.

check the dungeon journal, one of her skills is broadside cannons that says “jaina calls the proudmoore flagship and deals x of damage” and does arcane damage.

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