[The Year of the Scourge] Archive

The Wheel of the Year turns…

Friends, the Year of the Scourge has come to an end, and with it, so does this forum Master thread. It has been a hell of a ride, and I for one hope to return to this thread in the future, and enjoy the memories it will always bring back of the best year of my role-play career.

Words cannot properly express what I’d like to say here, so I’ll keep it short: to the many individuals who have, by their participation in events or in story meetings, or by their writing/running of events that will never be forgotten, I offer my sincerest gratitude for creating something amazing in 2021. I very much look forward to our continued cooperation and collaboration for many, many years to come.

And on that note, we move onto the next chapter of our story.

You can find a brand new Master Thread here:

Azeroth: Year 35 (Master Thread)

Safe journeys, and may the Eternal Sun bless you all in the New Year.
