The writers have not done enough for racial representation

Even if this land where cloaked like dragon isle ,Mop,the environment would have change them after 20,000years, even Earthling human changed .So it can be possible.

What was all of Panda Land?

This is a Fantasy RPG, as an Asian-American, I don’t feel the need to be “represented”.


TED talk examining the issue. Maybe someone who can link videos will help me here.

there is enough diversity in this make believe world of wow

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Here you go,

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look at this thread:

someone cared about an MMO with an African mythology theme? nobody cares, There it is as an irrelevant thread without replies, empty and unimportant as if it were a spam thread.

Just flagging my post, will it be enough? do you think that will shut up? I don’t understand why they want to include even more of the problem of customizing a character and together with a lore that in reality the role of the human is almost nil when even more important races such as the horde are more diverse than them.

it’s more:

  • Tauren has representation of Native American
  • Vulperas a native South American style
  • Orcs and Trolls has a more diverse style between countries in South America, South Africa, and Oceania.

something that was very different from the alliance races, but even so I see that there is a community that for them is not enough, something that does not matter to them if they appropriate cultures that are not related to the culture they want.

I don’t know, i already gave a more logical explanation of what’s going on here, but because of my flagged post, I can’t do anything else, however I won’t sit idly by, if there is a part that I have to REPEAT, I do it, as I also have to keep quiet at the same time of words that are probably more inappropriate for the forum than for a mass of angry haters who only like to sow hatred and troll a thread that disappoints me that the forum itself has not been removed.

Aren’t Trolls basically Caribbean/Jamaican for the Vanilla version and Aztec/Maya for the Zandalari? Just Like Pandas are Asian. What would Wow Africa look like? Centaurs maybe? Does anyone know what that new zone Ohn’ahran Plains is flavored after?

If it happens, it happens.

What I don’t want is Blizz being like “Noo, wait. We will have to cut the story here because we must do an expansion based on X for representation”.

Forced things are never good. But they could write some more characters or add them without having to make politics the selling point of the expansion.

Eh I get troll vibes from the OP but I wanna address why fantasy =/= real life is a faulty statement.

People write and create stories inspired based on what they know. If I write about war, obviously I’ll take inspiration from wars that has occurred throughout history and also what I’ve seen before in other fantasy stories, along with original ideas and twists.

A good example here the Targaryen-Baratheon dynastic conflict in ASOIAF is heavily inspired by the War of the Roses, and the Red Wedding is inspired by the Black Dinner (a real Scottish historic event).

So the entire notion of fantasy =/= real life is inaccurate because it implies that fantasy has never drawn any influences or inspiration from real life events. We see, time and time again, inspirations and amalgamations of real life events, cultures, and architecture in fantasy.

Obviously it’s not meant to be an exact copy and paste, and those who do it well will make it hardly noticeable to the average player. But if you pay attention, it’s everywhere. Just look at the Nordic mythology, Lovecraftian and Tolkien influences that WoW has.

We also have WoWified versions of Christmas, Day of the Dead, Thanksgiving, and you see influences in architecture as well. A vast majority of Human culture and architecture is typically Eurocentric. Gilneas has Tudor and Gothic styles. Then there’s Uldum and the obvious Ancient Egyptian influences. In BfA we had an entire city that is an amalgamation of Mesoamerican and South American styles. Night Elf architecture has a mix of Korean, Celtic, and Greco-Roman influences. Despite the real world influences, the key point here is that they all have a ‘WoW’ flavor to it.

There’s honestly a lot of analysis that can go in to this, and I think I can dig up some really good posts from people who have analyzed this topic if you’re interested.

Let me switch the question though. What’s exactly wrong with a Human civilization or settlement that is influenced by a mix of historic cultures and architecture? There’s influences that can come from the Aksum Empire, Persian Empire, Durrani Empire, Kingdom of Kush, Tunisian architecture, and even Numidia architecture.

And this isn’t even a brand new concept. E.g. in FF14 there’s an entire city/region inspired by Turkish landmarks and architecture, and another city inspired by Rajasthan.

Imo, as long as it’s cool looking, has a ‘WoW’ spin to it, has interesting stories, and has good loot, then all this is perfectly fine to me.

It just requires someone on Blizzard who can actually do research and create something new and interesting that also aligns with WoW’s art style.

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or this thread it is irrelevant, Blizzard has already given everything that its agenda is giving, and obviously I know what they say.

and really a bit annoyed by something that already exists in the game, that’s why I doubt a lot because the one who created this thread, apart from a hater troll, only does it to influence his ideologies that I already spoke a while ago.

But because of something inappropriate on the forum, they flagged me and had to repeat, just changing a few things that the social contract will probably never say that it offends you, that for them you know that you will be wrong and they will benefit from your own mistakes.

Now I to wonder where human diversity even came from in wow even a video on this forum on df showed lack of any humans I guess there is none to consider.

Elves come from Celtic and Norse myths from a time before any of those people had ever seen anyone with skin darker then themselves, so why would they make elves similar to people like they had never seen? If you want to add people from other places, base them on myths and legends from those places.

I never said how elves should look. I just said it’s impossible to make an elf who looks black with the WoW elf model. Even with dark skin.

You’re right.

There’s not enough Tauren representation in the game. Most major lore Tauren are handled as jokes.

Well, if the presence of a sized down Statue of Liberty in east Loch Modan is any clue, we just might be living in a post-nuke world. I know that doesn’t address your question, but it got me thinking.

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I would like some french representation since this is all english and Germania

The bug planet has no human representation.

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im always amazed how people walk into a fantasy world full of unique, interesting races and the first thing they think of is “how do I make this look exactly like the world I come from” I want more orcs, trolls and tauren, not white black and brown. If this is a troll post (and these always are) its lame.

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Wastewalkers in Uldum?
Captain Garrick and her son Henry?
Naleidea Rivergleam?

It’s why I like the Redguard culture in Elder Scrolls, I always found them a fascinating and very cool group of humans to play, and I RARELY play humans in fantasy games.

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Just…. Sigh…