The Wrath of the Lich King Classic Pre-Patch Goes Live August 30

" The apostrophe has been partnered up with the letter s in a few different roles over the last 500 years, and as with many relationships the goalposts have shifted a little over time.

If the apostrophe appears before the letter s then it may denote that the possessive case is singular, i.e. the boy’s girlfriends. If it appears after the s, then it will most likely be plural, i.e. the girls’ boyfriends."


That’s not how commas work.

Common sense will tell you the intent of the user.

The edit was to point out that you’re being a hypocrite. Additionally, you’re referring to the reply that followed the one you’re referring to.

Thanks for playing “trying to use grammar as an argument for Pro-RDF”. As pointless as it was, you still managed to lose.

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imagine playing wow and reading the forums and constantly hearing people complain about how there is nothing to do. they are bored. its just same old content over and over and then going back and playing content we already played in classic wow.

imo these classic servers are a big mistake. splitting up the player base is bad for the immersion and population of retail. you can already see the steady decline since wow classic went live.

less people on retail means less immersion, less population, less groups etc. and so on and inevitably the death of retail as we know it.

i mean isnt the point of connecting servers to make each realm feel somewhat “fuller” and yet you create isolated “classic servers” to empty out retail?

i dunno i just dont get it. blizzard are your purposely trying to kill wow for easier more profitable micro transaction games?

i mean why even bother? why didnt you just scale up every dungeon and raid in game to a timewalking type or fated type instance. bring back old rewards etc… and so on. that would of made more sense but i dont work there… shame.


Sure it is. I’ll believe you. Others wouldn’t, but I will…lol

Grammarly doesn’t always pick up on things.

I wasn’t arguing about proRDF. I already did that further up and in other posts. It’s weird that you would focus on that. Grammar has nothing to do with why RDF should be added into Wrath Classic.

I was just wasting your time because I was bored. Mission accomplished. Have a nice day. :rofl:

In terms of grammar I’ll take my chances.

Maybe you should be literate yourself then and stop trying to correct people with an application. Computers don’t know English all too well either.

Wasting your time playing yourself? Ok.

Protip: Real trolls never say they’re trolls.

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LOL :rofl:

PS: You corrected the grammar in the quotes I posted but that doesn’t affect the original post I quoted it from. Thought you should know…lol

taking the talent tree was the start of the downfall of the game it has nothing to do with sitting in town waiting for a summon its the energy it takes to find the groups when ur short on time


I only have 3 but I do want it

There is mention. Says they will be in prepatch with regional updates.

I am just curious as to where we find the Fresh Start Servers I don’t see the names of these servers listed, or maybe I just keep missing it? Will it have a note that says ‘new server’ like the ‘new players’ note next to realms?

I think I’d like to give a new server a go.

Cough, cough… Wrath classic is based on patch 3.3.5.

confused UNGA BUNGA?!

I am not sure what I said to make you think I don’t know what Wrath Reforged is based on…

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The server better be back up soon bruh I need to make a DK and storm TBC with my awesome powers.

I’m wondering this too.

This has already been posted

I was there… All those years ago. In the beginning of RDF. All the 3.3 pugs… So many pugs.

when are the servers actually up? they say they are but…

For $50 I think being able to sell to the lure companion 1x an hour is reasonable.

Agreed RDF removes guild control and their little side kicks. Gets old feeling left out!

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