The WrA Video Game Thread

You would think Epic would have an on hand PR guy to help deal with stuff like this so these indie devs who crank out games nobodies going to remember a year from now don’t torpedo their careers.

Literal quote from the developer word for word.

“Honestly i’m tempted to say that now that we have funding secured gamer’s would be better off in gas chambers but that’s probably insensitive.”

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Anyone who says:

deserves to have their career torpedoed. I honestly hope this game gets pirated and review bombed into oblivion


“Gamers” don’t need to be rounded up and executed, but by and large they absolutely needed better parenting.

Yep, just pirate the game. They don’t deserve their jobs. Maybe we’ll get lucky and Epic will reject them for being a trash company.


I only checked out this game because of the controversy and honestly it looks exceedingly meh.

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same, I have 0 interest in it its not really my thing. I do very much hope anyone who is interested pirates it.


It’s a generic stardew valley game with a generic bootleg pokemon gimmick stuffed into it.

So its an exceedingly meh game with a lead that thinks they should be able to do whatever they want and $#@$ anyone who says otherwise.

Then they go on a tirade about “entitled gamers”.


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How nice of them to solidly convince me never to buy their game. They’re so generous.

Yeah, that was my impression. That, plus a soupcon of moe pandering.

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The “Epic has already paid for your copy go ahead and pirate it meme’s” just get more and more hilarious.


You know, I do appreciate the thought of Epic making it so small Indie games don’t have to worry about keeping the lights on and can just focus on making games that are good, but, uh…

Well. We can see it’s basically keeping these idiots in business.

Does the Epic Game Store still not have basic functionality things like a Cart?

Far as I know, it doesn’t.

I have no problem with people taking epic’s money while the getting is good.

The only epic exclusive i even remotely care about is coming to switch.

I’m perfectly fine with making fun of epic for it’s bare bone lack of features and the idiotic messiah complex they have.

But Ooblets is a case study in how to not spin that you’re going to epic exclusive.

If they had just said “Hey Epic is offering us money and we love us some money it helps feed us and keep us going!”

Sure the baby ragers would still baby rage but it would not be nearly as loud or horrible as it is right now.

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Absolutely, instead they said “We already have the money literally ^%#$ off and die please”

Now I honestly hope their company goes under.

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I wonder how much of this whole mess is due to the fact that these devs are also gamers, with exactly the lack of social aptitude they are now complaining about.

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I did not know this and it explains A LOT

Oh, I may have misspoken. I don’t KNOW it as such, but I generally assume that people who want to make video games on an indie level are people who want to play video games. You don’t really get the profit-minded soul-suckers until a company gets Activision-sized.

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