The WrA Video Game Thread

Two can play at this game.

Since it doesn’t let me post links all you need to do is google. “Far cry 5 ignores” and see the first page pop up with articles that show the left crying about this game not calling out so-called “white supremacy”.

Fun fact lad, you can literally circumvent it in so many ways that not providing links is your own damn problem. This is 2019, come on.

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I don’t know how to “circumvent it” neither would I since it’s in violation of TOS.

So, just to be clear, you both lack the knowledge and the desire to support your own argument?


You haven’t actually read the ToS, have you?

posting links in a non-approved account is bannable.

I mean, so is trolling, but you don’t seem to be super concerned with that.

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Nothing you say actually refutes the original post you responded to. Leading up to the release of Far Cry 5 there were plenty of angry little manlets that couldn’t handle the fact that the villains in 5 were white.

That the extreme left also threw a hissy has nothing to do with my original point.

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Yep, seen plenty of it - how Ubisoft was villainizing American ‘good ol’ boys’ and other such nonsense.

Also, if you had actually bothered to read the page going over all the changes, you’d see that you can in fact make links by surrounding them with ` marks. But, y’know, reading comprehension is a scary thing these days.

Edit --> Also, why do so many people have a problem with the concept of backing up their own statements with proof? Thank you for adhering to basic common decency in arguments, Taalva. Maybe other people will get the hint eventually and do a little bit of work to at least try and prove the nonsense they spew.

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I mean just look at the petition I linked with nearly 3k signatures

"Change the villains. It’s not so hard, really. Just change the villains to something more realistic. Islam is on the rise in America, as is the violence of inner city gangs. Are you scared to do so? In the words of Boltair – “To learn who rules you, simply find out who’s not being criticized.”

Alter the villains. Even if you insist on making the villains American Christians, consider mixing the races a bit to not target white people exclusively. There are plenty of nationalists of every stripe and every race and creed. So throw in some blacks and Mexicans. There’s no reason a protectonist nationalist movement would all be one race? Why stop being Politicaly correct here?

Alter the plot. It’s obvious that you continue to insist on using these characters. However with a few artistic tweaks you can save the concept entirely. Have the villains simply be misguided patriots forced into making their own nation vs. the will of an oppressive over-government, construed of all the people they turn their wrath against in their immediate surroundings. Their brutal physical and sexual violence towards their oppressors will then be explained as a reaction to harsh government policies and taxation, to show that both sides are wrong.

Change the setting, but only for certain markets. Look, I get that anti-Americanism plays in France, and I’m not telling you to give up on potential profits due to complaints. Wouldn’t want to be thought as one of those hypocrite feminists, right? But for America, right now, Anti-Americanism is out. You gotta play your market. Change the setting to Canada for America. This way you don’t turn away potential players due to offensiveness. Just trying to help you make more money."

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Far cry 5 is an overpriced game with a decent if uninspired story campaign that is completely ruined by the ending.

Politics are dumb.


The irony of this is that I’m not even that into Far Cry as a game.

And besides, if I wanted to spend my time fighting the virtual representation of white supremacists, I’d just queue for a random battleground. Heyo!


I enjoyed some of the far cry stories but that’s it 5 really soured me on the series as a whole though

Playing Daggerfall for the sweet, pulpy fantasy tropes. Looking forward to the Daggerfall Unity project being finished. Also, the guards are nuts; an orc shaman kidnaps me in broad daylight and nobody lifts a finger, but if I try to take a nap on a street corner they haul me off to jail.


I have 108 triple triad cards.

I feel like this is something i should be proud of.

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Imperator: Rome hype from Paradox.
First thing I wanna do is reform Magna Graecia as Syracuse.

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1v1 me brood war imma make you WISH you were banned

Got 100 on the fashion report and it’s dreadfully easy to get this week.

Any helmet dyed with UL Brown
Militia harness
Amateur’s thighboots with loam brown dye
hempen chausses with loam brown dye

Boom title+60k mgp

Guys I can’t decide on a build for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.

Hunter, Warrior, or Assassin? I’ve been doing assassin but I’m having a hell of a time with conquest battles.

just take what you want from all 3