Roegadyn originally hail from Aerslaent (“First Land”) in the Northern Empty, a large body of water north of Vylbrand and the Bloodbrine Sea that is also home to Old Sharlayan.
Sea Wolf Roegadyn, fleeing a failed coup d’etat, migrated from Aerslaent to Vylbrand during the Sixth Astral Era, where they founded the city-state of Limsa Lominsa.
Hellsguard Roegadyn are descended from an earlier migration (though the exact date is unknown) that came to settle in the Abalathia’s Spine mountain range. From there, they spread out further and gave rise to Near Eastern and Far Eastern Roegadyn, who seem to have mostly assimilated into the cultures already present in Ilsabard and Othard respectively.
Lalafell originate on the island chains of the Southern Seas, having migrated to Eorzea sometime after the Fifth Umbral Calamity, where they helped found the now lost city-states of Nym and Mhach.
After Nym and Mhach were lost due to the War of the Magi, those Lalafell who did not return to the Southern Isles eventually made their way to Thanalan and there founded the city-state of Belah’dia (which would later split into Ul’dah and Sil’dih) and became the Dunesfolk.
The descendants of the Lalafell who returned to the Southern Isles would return to Vylbrand during the Sixth Astral Era, being drawn to migrate there due to the founding of Limsa Lominsa, and would eventually come to be known as the Plainsfolk.
Not really, not anymore. Gelmorra, the underground city that the Elezen and Hyur lived in before Jorin Lightheart’s discovery of conjury, was abandoned/destroyed not long after communication was established with the elementals of the Black Shroud. I think all that’s left is the Mun-Tuy Cellars, Tam-Tara Deepcroft, the Thousand Maws, and the Palace of the Dead.
I have to admit, I’m happier and happier about the money I spent on FFXIV. Not just because of the expansion announcements being great, but also about the fact that I am not participating in the TBC pre-patch dumbster-fire. A wrongly advertised boost that is more expensive for the UK for no reason, tons of maintenance delays, and all the while announcing the first six-month subscriber reward for TBC.
Meanwhile, I spent £30 on anentire expansion and I’m gleefully waiting for husbunnydos.
I'm sure we're going to get plenty more sidestories and viera lore. Bear in mind they were introduced for an expansion where we literally spent our entire time on another world (which had a TON of Viera lore in it). IIRC Dalmasca and Bozja are fairly close to the Galmorran jungle, so I really wouldn't be surprised if we get more info on them as the forces of Eorzea fight their way into that part of the world. They've done a good job with Hrothgar so far and generally don't just leave things up in the air.
Crystal already had an RP version of Blitzball using a roll system. Had a whole summer league and everything with matches each week. I can only imagine how absolutely nuts an actual game for it would make things.
Imagine that you could actually have a ranked Blitzball mode. You can found a team with other players, design a logo from pre-existing symbols, backgrounds and colors, and then you all get a matching glamour color. And then you play in leagues against other teams.
SquareEnix, take my money. Take it right now!
Not gonna lie, I’d do ultimate raid difficulties for a Sin fight.
you’ve probably already seen my take on twitter but well
stuff about endwalker's setup in here
so the thing about everyone being harnessed to use their beliefs to summon primals and also everything we already know about primals?
i have reason to believe we’re getting a Dream Zanarkand scenario
This is what actually hooked me in the second time I tried playing. The FC that took me in taught me so much stuff that I would not have known by just playing the game nor did I have any reason to look anything up to find them. It felt great.