The WoW Summer Sale is Here!

Honestly, it sort of took on a life of its own. I was only commenting on the last couple of expansions. :man_shrugging:

I have to admit that after having played the full BFA and SL expansion, I did not get the same negative feeling about playing, like I do with DF.

Not sure what it truly is, as the content seems very similar to me. I run Transmogs, do LFR, try to make gold on the AH and do the quests.

Maybe it´s the setting that I am not fond of, a dragon expansion to me, just needs more evil, more darkness and more dragons. It may be a coincidence, but also Cata was not my thing and when I completely stopped playing after 4 months time. We did Blackwing Decent and it did not feel like BWL back in the days, it was more like a mini dungeons, everywhere was so small and out of context.

My expectations for dragon content are just more in the line of Vanilla dragons, entire zones with dragons, that just kill you on sight. Farming them, did result in some very rare crafting material, material that gave you raid like gear. In DF and Cata, we can kill several dragons and there is no danger and no reward for it.

This just doesn´t bother me that much in a non dragon expansion like BFA or WOD. Easy conent there, quests you name it, just don´t kill my fun, because what we had there, was wildlife, humans and so on.

But dragons, they are the biggest threat if you grew up with Vanilla like I did, it feels wrong running through them like we do and then they have like no rewards. Dragons do hoard treasure, where is that in DF?

Besides that, BFA in my opinion had really nice questing zones and SL had innovation with Thorgast. The final patch was complete nonsense, Zereth Mortis just didn´t fit in. But the stuff before that, was fun.

Last but not least, WOW is now such an old game, I do expect QoL patches to improve things that bother me and they are not coming. Account wide Rep, a use for achievement points, connected AH´s, XP off toggle inside the UI, reagent tab for guild banks, an additional difficulty at LFR, quest content that offers goals that are on the same level as raid gear, BIS crafting gear, housing, let me queue for transmog raids instead of running to each entrance.

Boy, you probably gonna think EVERY game is underperforming when the Steam summer sale hits. :laughing:

Heck, you probably think the games on Epic Game Store is massively underperforming whenever they give games away for free some times. :rofl:


Lol, no kidding. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

…How Blizzard’s Reaching? :laughing: :rofl:

The " in general" statement is more or less the majority overall. Wow playerbase is rarely agreeing on something. Usually, they disagree about most stuff and tend to flame each other. But SL and BFA were the rare expansions that could unite the playerbase by having the majority agree they were the worst fully priced expansions ever released, and it’s not hard to see why. Maybe in spite of its flaws, you were the minority that enjoyed more SL and BFA. And more power to you. It’s a good thing you got something that you feel it was worth your money and you could enjoy. But as far as the others goes, the majority thinks(myself included) that we deserved better than this. And it’s not hard to understand that a good chunk of the players refused to return after having to stomach 4 years of expansions that were subpar and mediocre at best or maddening and infuriating at worst. It’s kinda like what’s happening with the marvel movies and TV shows as of late. People didn’t enjoy them and Marvel failed to address the issues, resulting in Ant-Man flopping horribly despite being the start of phase 5 of the MCU. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

The fact DF never reported exact sales numbers despite literally every other wow expansion doing so already proves this expac flopped or at very least it underperformed. The fact they even admitted it sold less than SL and BFA without providing actual numbers further cements it.

Who cares.

What Kinndy said was super silly, and thinks that a game is underperforming if any games (Not even DF, just any game by how Kinndy said it) going on sale.

I like sales, and it’s a nice way for more people to play more games because it’s less moneies. :slight_smile:

I literally don’t know how THAT can be turned into a bad thing. Even GD doesn’t turn it into a bad thing.

Oh wait, i forget, this isn’t the 180 day sub where you have to pay $80 to “get the savings”, or “grind the game to get gold” ,this is an actual sale with actual savings. Silly me.

Several of us do because we know Blizzard could slash the budget or screw over a game if it doesn’t have good sales, which could impact negatively the game content updates. Ever heard of Heroes of the Storm? Warcraft 3 reforged? Or other companies and their games like Star Trek Online, Wildstar or Marvels Avengers video game?

Sure, just because the game is on sale it doesn’t means it’s exactly underperforming, but in DF case other evidence unrelated to the summer sale already proves it’s not selling enough. And it’s worrying for the game content updates if Blizzard decides to slash the budget or resources for content development if the game is not performing.

Good for you. :+1:

Still doesn’t make a sale a bad thing.

True, and I never implied a game going on sale is a bad thing. It can tempt players to jump into wow and word of mouth convince others to return. Point stands about the concern of future content updates, but a game summer sale isn’t bad and I never implied it was.

Okay, glad we established that. :+1:

I understand you care about the game and want it suceed, everybody does. But i got to be honest, a lot of that just comes off of just thinking about the corperation and how much money they get, rather then the quality of the game itself. Let alone, making quality a top priority the very least.

Especially when you’re bringing up "Marvel’s Avengers ", like… that game was never good to begin with and just exists to be a live service first formost, and last.

Marvels Avengers had potential to be good. The problem was the lack of content and the gameplay itself(which plays more like a brawler than anything else) becoming repetitive with very little variation. A better gameplay design and more content could have worked and make the game good.

Live services games CAN be good if properly designed. But most companies don’t do that, and bad design outright destroys the game. Isn’t it right, Babylon’s fall?

True, if Squenix just made it Just single-player and focused around that, then yea, i can see it being at the very best, pretty good to mid game.

Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy video game.

Not really. Seems more like copying Steam.

What a lot of people who wait around with their smug, “that desperate, huh?” remarks always conveniently leave out is these sales extend across the whole library of blizzard games and isn’t exclusive to WoW because it disproves the whole WoW is in trouble theory.

I wasn’t talking about that? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m simply saying they should’ve made Maverals Avengers (the one with Captain America, Thor, Ms Marvel, Hulk, Black widow, Iron Man, Spiderman and so on) a single player.

Oh, and also add in Wesley Snipe’s Blade and Nic Cage’s Ghost Rider. And Bully Meringue. And Hugh Jackman Wolverine.

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I can agree on that.

Oh yeah, his movies were hella fun to see. Which is why I won’t see the MCU reboot of Blade. It’s not the actor itself, it’s the fact it’s PG-13 when it should be R rated. You can’t make justice to Blade with a PG-13 rating.

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While simultaneously figuring out how to make almost everything irrelevant as soon as they release it. See: Zaralek Caverns

Don’t buy the dreadwake mount. You can’t fish from it and it moves slow in water, sinks if you use the mouse.

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Thanks Blizzard for making a sale right after I buy Dragonflight :smiling_face_with_tear: