The WoW Spring Sale is here!

Why fix the terrible clipping when you can just delete character customization lol.

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You don’t have to be able to use everything all the time. It’s okay.

And it’s weird because I have literally never had this happen on my dwarf before. The beard overrides ALL-- except for this.

The new mog looks quite nice. Better than the last one.

When Telix the Stormhorn in in-game shop?

Where does it say it’ll be on the trading post later?

The items in The Faction Pack Bundle will leave the battlefield on April 17, 2023 and will no longer be available in the Blizzard® Shop or in-game shop until further notice. Players who want to purchase these items outright now have the chance to get them on sale before they arrive on the Trading Post vendor in the future.

Oh you were talking about the mounts. Thought you meant the $20 transmog. My mistake.

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They’re not going make money off it. It looks like garbage, I expect that level of costume from a f2p game.

I think you should take that up with customer service lol

Mine like only 7. I need to buyvit now :joy:

Why is there no sale by now to upgrade to the heroic edition of DF? All the rest of the expansions had them by now, for like $15.

The Waveborn Diplomat’s Regalia is nice. Now it’s clear we get better mogs on cash shop :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Not sure why this isn’t in DF.

So LFG is what hurt the game but this nonsense was perfectly healthy for the game…

  • Expert Riding Skill
  • A race-specific epic ground mount
  • A faction-specific rare flying mount
  • Weapon skills up to level 70
  • Access to Azeroth and Outland flight paths
  • A set of level 70 Uncommon (green) quality gear
  • Up to four Draenic Leather Pack bags (14 slots each)
  • A little bit of gold to start their journey


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While I agree with you… these are probably all aligned with the goals the company has with the game.

Not spending money on that transmog when it deletes beards.


Imagine having a monthly sub, a battle pass, AND micro-transactions in a game that doesn’t even receive as much support as some free-to-play games. This game is a joke, Blizzard is a Joke and my sub ends tomorrow. Deuces. :wave:

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BLIZ :clap: ZARD :clap:

Can we talk about how sad this weird midleg finny thing from SO MANY shoes makes me, as someone who mains a character with retrograde legs?


WHYYYYYYYY. It shows up on SO MANY boot models when they’re haphazardly slapped on Draenei/Worgen/Tauren and it looks SO WEIRD AND BAD. It has literally never looked either good, or like something that someone would wear on purpose, or like something that would make any kind of functional sense in…anklewear.

What are some good implementations of footwear for retrograde-leg models, you ask?

My favorite choice: It’s like I’m wearing nothing at all! Nothing at all…nothing at all
Pros: A nice clean line down the leg to the hoof, which is my shoe. I need no shoe, I have hoof.
Cons: Depends on finding pants that don’t arbitrarily peter out at the knee so that I look like I’m in a schoolboy outfit.

A good implementation of a premium unique shoe: I’m a dapper strappy lad!
This is how the “jester” outfit endcap Trading Post deal from last month looks on retrograde legs.
Pros: STRAPS! Instead of having a neat curled toe, the shoe has unique straps for retrograde legs. Also neat!
Cons: It does still have a fin, but it’s a sedate, reasonable, decorative one at least. It looks like a jacket collar. My hooves are dressed up for a suave night out!

Also nice: A hoof-cage!
Pros: Anything that changes shape for a hoof is A+ in my books.
Cons: The knee bit is a little much (am I going to stab my own leg when I kneel or run?), it has some texture stretching.

Also acceptable: Hoofwarmers.
Pros: The weird cuffy-fin-thing is in a place that it makes SENSE to be
Cons: Disrupts the line of a lot of pants, but eh, it’s cute anyway

I GUESS: A modest fin
Pros: The design elements are well-placed for a retrograde leg, and the smaller fin doesn’t look TOO out of place.
Cons: Does still inexplicably have a midleg fin.

Almost, but not quite: PICK A LANE
Pros: I love anything that changes shape to accommodate a hoof, as seen in the front.

Almost, but not quite: That’s a streeeeeeetch
Pros: 3d elements are NEAT! And well-placed on a retrograde leg.
Cons: Look at how that purple scale texture is streeeeeetched to the point of being low-rez and cheesy looking at the top. Ew.

I would post further Hall of Shame items, but I should probably do like…some actual work today. STILL. Say no to leg-fins!

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The transmog looks ok. But not for 20 bucks

You guys are doing lots of sales lately. I like that. Not that I buy anything but still, it’s nice to see. Really thinking about dropping $10 for D2 haven’t played it in years and years.