The World of Warcraft Pop-Up Book

Because it worked. It stirred up controversy, it got YouTube videos, it got clicks. Even everyone who complains about the writing and not the factions themselves or the characters involved, it’s exactly that kind of controversy that got attention.

For Blizzard, in regards to the Burning of Teldrassil, there is no such thing as bad publicity.

Which really ought to worry everyone about the future, because if they think it worked once it probably means that they will think it will work again.


Doubly ironic considering Blizzard’s scramble by 8.2 to push all of this atrocity on Sylvanas in order to misdirect blame from the Horde Player for being complicit in genocide.

Its like Imperial Japan on the subject of Naking, Bataan, Parit Sulong, Shinyo Maru, and Sandakan. Just pretend they never happened, and if it does come up, blame Sylvanas. Just following orders indeed.

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Even more astonishing that Blizzard has decided to do both not having the Horde ever mention Teldrassil to the Alliance or Night Elves and yet still having Teldrassil brought up in the story itself in having all the souls of the victims there go to the Maw.


The messed up thing for your RL example is Japan really does just pretend it never happened lol They still have the emperor and everything.

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And all because the US military withdrew it’s occupation rather than remain, take control over the school curriculum, remove all memorials to Japanese Soldiers and make certain any who tried to glorify Imperial Japan were arrested…

Dude, im pretty sure most of the night elves burned in Teldrassil, then after the war…there cant be many left.

They still have the Emperor because he is a god in their religion (or a descendant of a major god, the sun goddess).

That’s true and also mentioned in Elegy. They’re pretty much endangered now and many more also died in Darkshore in 8.1.

Well they can still make efforts to rub salt into the wound without coming up with a conclusion to the event. Horde and Alliance will never have to hear of Teldrassil again while efforts will be made to make sure that Night Elf fans feel even worse about it afterwards.

A way to analyze how successful the evacuation was might actually be from some pictures that are in the physical copy of Elegy:

And the accompanying text about just how many Night Elves ended up in Stormwind and Elwynn Forest:

    The Stormwind night was alive with controlled chaos. Even in an evacuation, when the night elves could be forgiven for being terrified and out of control, there was no screaming, no violence, no crush of bodies crowding one another in a stampede to safety.

    The cathedral could hold no more refugees, not even in the darkest corners of its extensive catacombs. The inns had ten to fifteen in each room. Even certain areas of the keep were filled with silent, stoic kaldorei. The flood spread to seemingly every surface of the city, continued down through the Valley of Heroes, and spilled out most of the way to Goldshire.

Even their military was still intact after the war, enough so that the Night Elves won Darkshore with the aid of the Gilneans.


There may be, who knows how much $$ it has cost them. From every angle bfa has been regarded as one of the worst, in PvP, PvE, and Lore.

It’s especially hilarious in a pop-up book.

“A story about genocide. Y’know, for kids!”


Reminds me of the Warhammer 40k children books. :rofl:


Unlikely, they will probably want to brush that story under the bed as quickly as they can and never reference it again. you watch as after Shadowlands and we save those souls. Tyrande will probably thank the Horde for their assistance.

Then it will never be mentioned again as its considered forgiven.


The US did occupy Japan.

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And yet didn’t remain occupied thus withdrawing after awhile of occupation…

Well yeah, pretty much all occupations eventually end. But it’s not like they didn’t do anything and don’t still maintain a presence in the region or treat the Japanese Self Defense force as an extension of the US military. Anti-war sentiment is still popular in Japan and part of their silence/refusal to acknowledge or apologize for the events of WWII is born of deeply ingrained national shame intentionally instilled as part of the occupation.

The US didn’t just dust it’s hands off and leave without making sure the Japanese Empire was thoroughly defanged.

Gotta teach the kids early who the evil guys are.


I had to stifle laughter at work reading that.

Dear God Blizz. It’s portrayed as a horrifying event where countless civilains lost their lives. I hope to God the company that made this never does IRL landmarks because I got a sense of what the Notre Dame page would look like.