The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well

You mean the same toggle that also disables raider io functionality so people will decline you?

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yea probably but it will be a good snicker to see it


It does happen and with char-server is easy to do. I have thankfully not had it happen to me, but others on the forums say they experienced it. Btags don’t allow that though, which is nice.

The in-game WoW friend system honestly needs to be revamped to give people more control and privacy. That is another topic though.


Honestly I know it’s off topic but that needs to be removed

What needs to be removed? The antique in-game friends system in WoW or my comment?

It does, hopefully its implemented in 10.7 and include control over who can mail things to you and who cannot.

sorry I was very vague. Yea the in-game friend system

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Harassment on the level rarely happens, wanna know the fact? because it hard for someone harass their target, their target has to accept the request first and this alone deters anyone with ill intentions away because you can’t chat with them personally unless they accept the request.


Can definitely get behind this sentiment.

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The only IO functionality it really disabled is mains IO. You can still see their score, and top runs from the armory/in game.

Not really an excuse for misconduct.

In any case this topic has already been beaten to death.

Spamming it isn’t going to make btags appear faster one way or another.

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Again - this is not how raiderio works.

You can’t turn off your m+ score.

It’s built in the game now.

If it’s going to happen it’s going to happen. If it’s not then it’s not.

Problems claimed by people that want them have been either acknowledged or debunked by blues. Decisions that none of us are privy to have been made and conveying them to us isn’t a necessity.

There isn’t any value in beating the drum by spamming about it.

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I’m responding as a distraction from other problems in my life. :pensive:

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Whatever those problems are I do hope you find solutions in the midst of all of this. Distractions are crucial some of the time. Lawd knows I have my own issues to solve and be distracted from.

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I know the feeling.

If it distracts from pain comment all you like.

I appreciate it. In truth I’ll probably be passing out soon, but I’m trying to put it off 'til midnightish.


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ignore him. He’s not worth it. He’s just lonely

Hope you feel better soon bud

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Me too.

So how 'bout them Battletags.

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Both Ard and I responded in support and with empathy for Snow’s situation. I have disagreed with Snow a lot but I’d wish the best for them anyhow. This subject isn’t serious enough that a disagreement over it is going to cause me to be inhumane to a person.