I think Alpha should be exclusive. Beta should be for EVERYONE. They can space out the invited but by wave 2 everyone should have access to it
Especially since the playerbase has went down significantly, so high traffic isn’t a problem
I think Alpha should be exclusive. Beta should be for EVERYONE. They can space out the invited but by wave 2 everyone should have access to it
Especially since the playerbase has went down significantly, so high traffic isn’t a problem
Good Job streamers who barely know what WoW is. I hope you enjoy the Beta as much as you enjoyed the Alpha.
The older your account is combined with how long you’ve been subbed/subbed consistently should definitely have some weight.
Thats never the case unfortunately , its always been a precedent that if you carry a huge audience, their top priority, never the ones that kept giving them money throughout all their BS.
They should have stated it’s a closed beta not an open beta . Simple as that
And so… where is my beta access :,)
I physically can not wait till October to experience dragonriding to fly over the dragon isles omg
Would be amazing to gain Beta access
Umm, I am none of those things and I’m on beta. Well, maybe a ‘community veteran’? Certainly not a streamer.
It’s not a lot of fun in first couple of weeks. The bugs aren’t little, they are monsters that eat your characters and your patience. Currently we are dealing with constant LUA pop ups, talents and keybinds constantly resetting to empty, disconnects, etc. Not just small bugs but things that make testing extremely difficult. Hopefully more people will get in once we get past the initial rough patch.
hey blizz…Been playing since day one! if that’s not a vet idk what is, and not once got beta or alpha. Get a guy in beta! I’d like to help fix bugs and check out the new class/map/etc. …thx
Funny i got beta today and i havent play WoW for a months seems once again they choise to pick players to beta goes totally unfair for active players who left out while passuves get in
I’m still hoping myself, I really need something to do to keep my spirits up as being in Home Hospice care due to failing health, plus the likelihood of me being able to be around or have the mental cognitive ability and physical ability when it goes live isn’t good with my current prognosis. getting into Beta would be a great last wish, but with my luck it probably won’t happen so been living vicariously through Youtubers, it’s not the same but it’s all I got.
You should invite me and not all of these other scrubs. I am a true elite veteran. Just look at me, now back at yourself, now back at me! Do you not see sheer perfection befitting a true champion of Azeroth? Why should I not get this beta access they all covet?
So I say dismiss these needy peasants and invite me the savior of azeroth, slayer of dragons and old gods, and lord of the afterlife.
Do I need to become a streamer or content creator so in can test this? or is the normal player base just screwed…
I don’t understand. Why would one want to become burned out on a new expansion before the expansion has even officially arrived? Not at all interested in Beta.
Okay, I can see top 1% guilds might enjoy getting a jump on the mechanics and the “feel” of different classes so Beta makes sense for them as they are inured to repetition.
@Penumbrae, for me it’s because due to health conditions I may either 1 not be cognitive or have the physical ability at launch or 2 may no longer be alive (as I am currently in Home Hospice Care dying of heart and kidney failure)… so Beta access would be nice to have something to do other than contemplate my limited time left. I’ve tried to reach out but thus far my pleas have fallen on deaf ears… I don’t think Blizzard cares one cog fading out pales in comparison of the millions of other subs.
I have literally been playing this game since OG beta in 2003, I got in on almost every beta, but, Draenor…didn’t sign up for Shadowlands beta…my account is BEYOND vanilla, no invite yet and it is actually surprising tbh.
This I DEFINITELY agree with!
Excited for this. Really hoping I get in.
So I have to go participate in free advertising for Blizzard?
I guess being an active player since 2004 doesn’t mean crap to Blizzard.