Watch them make half of Warriors abilities ranged when they rework it.
Yeah but you can pummel and stun while in bladestorm now, which is pretty ridic.
back in my days Bladestorm was a channeled ability !!
but what if I don’t like hamstring.
Is that a valid complaint
we getting guns back? :))))
Went 4/2 into frost mage/BM lobby this evening
Still mad about it
Tbc bladestorm? Non existent?
Close enough
It’s part of the average Warrior class fantasy to be whiny baby on the Arena forum if you don’t have permanent uptime on everything even when you have 2 strong specs in the meta.
The fact Mud isn’t posting lately tells me that Arms is doing above average.
If I don’t grip my allies out of Bladestorm right now I fall permanently behind on healing for the match unless I dedicate multiple cooldowns to heal through it.
This has to be the most cooked Warrior comment I’ve ever seen.
Inb4 I get the usual Mage rebuttal, I’m a healer.
Mountain Thane could have made heroic throw a lightning bolt and thunderclap changed to a targeted area ability you can drop 15 yds.
I haven’t played my warrior yet, but I would want to be that.
That would be so sick.
I thought they missed the opportunity with the mountain thane just looking at it.
They could have made them like a short range lightning fighter.
Whirlwind shoots out lightening bolts.
Heroic Throw becomes a lightning bolt that obliterates damage shields and applies hamstring.
Thunderclap becomes targeted area ability.
Seemed legit since ret is playing Thor now.
there wasn’t bladestorm til wotlk.
Duel is actually worth taking in shuffle over sharpen/storm/warbringer/banner/rally, sometimes, couldn’t tell u how many times people will keep training 1 target with duel on them, free 12s of 50% damage reduction once every 1 min? it definitely saves lives when you aren’t the kill target
Oooh, very good point. I could definitely see that being solid in matchups where you have, like, an aff lock on your team or something and you just win by not losing. That’d be huge.
I just don’t like it in 3s because it’s so easy to just tab.
I mean is probably due to that most players in shuffle only think about themselves. My dps, my damage mentality forget the team.
So they completely ignore abilities that help the team out and most likely think that any abilities that require additional thought into them or offer benefits to the team are bad abilities regardless of how good they are.
Like some rets. Some who still refuse to the see the usage of no CD repentance in team plays. Plenty still don’t use sacrifice in shuffle.
Why do you think r1 warriors said that. Are you really a warrior player?
Ret is usually the target in rss I dont think its wise to try and get a rep off when you are busy trying to survive. No cd rep is 100% a holy pal talent, for ret is a niche situational talent. Blinding light can still win you games by itself, specially good to just stop the entire enmy team in cluch moments.
Rets could run precog but I still think it will put you behind in damage and cc.
Extra mobility, and had higher damage but that’s as before it was nerfed like 6 times… now you see some of them playing Colossus