The warden gear will automatically change color based on time of day

The achievement gives you three sets. The time changing one, a static night set, and a static day set.

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They actually decided due to feedback that you will be able to pick one or the other, or have it alternate. We have choices and at least on this topic, can put down the pitchforks.

I hope you all have nice glaive transmogs to go with your warden transmog.

You do if you do the Night elf heritage armor questline which was a really nice surprise.


It really doesn’t bother me that it changes colors. I think it’s cool. Everyone up in arms about it though. Yeah it will make it harder to use when mixing mogs but big whoop. That’s just my 2cents.


I’m going to use the entire set with my color changing cat. I can’t wait.

Only problem is I don’t know what class to make my second nelf :thinking:

I just have so many alts


I mean if you want to use the glaive, then dh is the obvious choice. If you don’t want to use the glaive the answer is warlock or priest because how many night elf warlocks or priests are you seeing these days?

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There are tons of priests because that’s one of the oldest race/class combinations. Warlock is tempting because I like combos that make people mad but I already have three warlocks. My current nelf is a Hunter.

What are Wardens? Warriors? Rogues? Surv Hunters?

p.s. being a Warden DH feels sacrilegious to me :rofl:

Wardens would be closest to Survival Hunter or Rogue in terms of actual abilities. The use stealth and direct melee.


I might do that then.

While a rogue probably has more skills a warden would use, I’d say a survival hunter is probably more what a direct fight would be like. It’s hard cause there’s nothing quite like them except maybe Demon Hunter. It’s the only class that kind of marries rogues and hunters together like that with some warlock thrown in for extra spice.

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Tovi… are you okay?

Nope :rofl: