The War Within Season 1, Molten Front and Season of Discovery Phase 5, and More!

Just like mythic+. It’s great having all this overtuned content people don’t have fun doing

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No one cares about non retail stuff, fix the delves that y’all broke last night already.


It’s about quitting time at Blizz.

Delves were too easy now they were brought in line. Skill issue.

It’s called going to your appropriate tier.

Fix beast hunter before season 1 please.

Don’t care. I’m not asking im telling. Fix delves.

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Will be the king of spider hill once again ha-ha! Fun little molten front cheevo.

You made this comment at like 10:45 am. o.O

Sorry I’m British, my sarcasm, if not highlighted can get lost.

I have cancelled both of my subscriptions. If Blizzard is able to break game content at 11:30 PM EST with obviously broken hotfixes designed to slow player progression to artificially elongate content, they can respond to feedback.

Odd Wax was broken because it was an open world alternative to dungeon farming. Who cares if my gathering profession characters get valor stones while I gather for progression. It’s literally just minor progression on two fronts, which is what Valorstones do in dungeons in the first place.

Tailoring is totally worthless after nerfs to drop rates that still have not been commented on after over a week.

The Delve situation this week is just the final nail in the coffin. These were promoted as a solo friendly activity, but are completely unbalanced in anyway for that. Groups were inverted scaling and had extra resources for utility requirements - mobs were nerfed when you added people; to correct that, Delves are now just generally unable to be completed after an after hours hotfix that was clearly not even proofread based on the effects.

I can understand bugs happening, but not a single one of these things was a bug. These were all direct decisions by Blizzard to control the flow of certain progression resources. Time was not taken to even properly evaluate how they would control that - they just stopped the flow entirely.

People joke about Blizzard being a small indie company, but no small indie company would have this issue because they would not clearly have so many internal control conflicts causing these issues. Playing the expansion makes it clear that there is no cohesive internal design standards for how to build the game - one questing area will have shared quest tracking, and then the very next one will not even have basic multiple loot ground items forcing people in a group to compete.

These things happen, but Blizzard is continuously only correcting them in a manner that punishes players who do not do Mythic+ or progression raiding. Who cares if I can kill a world quest mob faster from my solo delve gear?

The expansion is supposed to be alt friendly - the next content dump appears to be ~6 weeks away. The current progression does not support progressing any characters other than one in a meaningful way in that time frame. Metzen saying that everyone doing their own kind of thing in the interview felt off, and at first I thought it was because he had a reputation for being overbearing, but I’m starting to think that was a vent about how dysfunctional cross functional team work has become.

I think the real War Within is really just Blizzard studios.


there are far too many other games out currently with fun included for this game to be viable for anyone but the addicted lifers snarky responding in these threads.

these players want to support gatekeeping the game away from new players then they’ll need to foot the costs for the lost revenue, I doubt they’ll be as enthusiastic when the added MTX and sub hikes start.

Probably busy working on replacing more female character models with fruit.

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Man this is too much salt for all this popcorn

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Is something going on with delves? I cant tell.

Eh, no other game has end game like wow

Completely agree. I now deeply regret buying a six month sub. I’ll never do that again.


The way to win in delves is to not get hit.
It’s possible just not fun.

Speaking of not fun…
Whoever chose Shadowlands dungeons?
They’re trying to make everyone hate TWW.

How bout the GUILD BANKS!
It’s been over a month since you stole our items!!