Okay, so then why aren’t we censoring the spider-people?
I’m still trying to understand why spiders need to be censored but genocide doesn’t.
Okay, so then why aren’t we censoring the spider-people?
I’m still trying to understand why spiders need to be censored but genocide doesn’t.
This is a pretty inappropriate thing to say and accuse someone of, and I’m just going to flag it and block you.
I’m not accusing you of anything. I’m literally asking why is it that spiders need to be censored but much worse stuff isn’t? I’m confused.
And I’m still not clear why we can’t have spider-people as playable characters because that’s too triggering but having them as non-playable characters is something that can’t be handled. If the non-playable spiders are triggering, shouldn’t they be censored, too?
I’ll definitely make one, though, I have the name ‘Bling’ saved on Ravenholdt and he shall join my rogue collection and add to its glory!
By mocking them, because they turned the Nerubians into cartoon shellfish.
I’m all for accommodation, but personally speaking I’d be offended if I had Arachnaphobia so bad as a gamer I couldn’t even stand to look at them that this was the choice for me.
I think it’s probably best to just have an accommodation for those who need it. And if you don’t need it, then to not turn it and not worry about it. It hurts no one for it to exist.
Proof of the theory everything is evolving into crabs
I, for one, welcome our new crustacean overlords.
I mean, what other options could they have used while still keeping the spider motif? Its a wrinkle between aesthetic and accomodation. Some people’s arachnophobia is just any small, scuttling creature that they think is a spider, others will only react, specifically, to a actual spider. I do think it’s a decent middle-ground, especially since the profile of the crustaceans is quite different to the spiders, if not the spider-people, and especially since the replacement models will be very brightly coloured, which will also reduce the creep factor for the majority of arachnophobes.
I’m actually wracking my brain here for what in-game models Blizzard has that could serve better for this. Crabs could possibly be replaced with jellyfish models from Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria and the Nyalotha patch from Battle for Azeroth. The Nerubians? That’s a harder sell given their profile as centaur-like entities, as other than centaurs and the makura, we don’t have any other models.
I mean, we could go full Grounded here and have them replaced with bright, colourful Jelly-Beans, but that could come across as insulting?
Anyone else got any ideas we could pitch to Blizzard?
If we’re gonna do Crab People, then do Crab People. Make unique models for those who need them, so they aren’t doing the Scooty Puff Jr. version of a WoW expansion. But that’s just me.
But I’m ready for safe fun!
Oh shizz, I forgot the humanoid ‘robed bugs’ from C’Thun’s raid in Silly-thus. We could use those models for the upright Nerubians, and we could straight-up just use the maggot/caterpillar models for the spiders, although flying maggots might be a hard sell as ‘better than spiders’. Could also use the Obsidian Destroyers from the ‘normal’ Nerubians?
There’s always the Blood Troll’s Flying Ticks from BfA.
Yeah, but they’re also arachnid in shape, which I think is the problem for a lot of arachnophobes. Its not just that its a spider, it’s the shape of, the similarity to, a spider, that can trigger a panic attack or ‘fear’ attack.
Umm, so I’m really out of touch, but that "Arachnaphobia Mode is real!!! Dear gods, of all the things that this game needs… of all the damn things that need fixing, this- THIS, is what they do? Look I have pretty bad arachnaphobia, I’ve put a car in the ditch before because a little baby house spider dropped itself down from the visor and dangled in front of me while I was driving. IMHO this is on the stupid side of things. I’m also not found of crabs. Land spiders versus water spiders. This game has worse problems.
Anywho, I forgot what I actually wanted to post. The spider thing just blew my mind. It’s not really hyping me to shell out money for this game.
I don’t even mind arachnophobia mode. It’s clearly just Blizzard trying to dig themselves out of their scandal hole a little more, but whatever.
I’m still just…so incredibly confused about the logic put forward. We can’t have Nerubians as a race because that would be triggering? But we can have them as an NPC race, even though they’re triggering, because that’s fine for some reason?
I sincerely don’t get it.
Some article I read said that developers have arachnophobia and so the mode was developed for them as much as it was for players giving similar feedback.
I don’t see why that’s so controversial. This is fake controversy.
WoW is kinda built on wanton violence and race wars… so it’s kinda hard to implement a mode to disable that. But fortunately Blizz did add alot of xp gain form professions, so I guess they kinda did?
i dont have arachnophobia but i do think crustaceans are neat and i for one welcome crab mode and will be using it
please help me petition blizz to remove the cool down on the clacking claw toy so i can play as a crab fulltime
I will sign the petition.
To increase the cooldown.