The War Within Hotfixes - September 27

you know that quest is a pain to do but catching 5-10 different fish on each alt really isn’t. You could just pick up the quest for the buff and spend 10 minutes fishing up the different fish and letting the quest fail and come out ahead - that would be 30 marks if you did 3 characters and you spend how you want. Heck might not even take 10 minutes on each if you use the lures you can buy - that’s 5 fish right there.

I have convinced myself now this is better than the original.

Good for you, sincerely.

Maybe one day Rogues will get a fix for all these bugs…

Any ideas when you’re going to fix brann skinning, herbalism or unlocking treasures hidden on the ground? the guy justs acts like he does it but you get nothing. Same with the treasures he digs but nothing comes up.

Also when are you going to fix the critical bug of his heals taking so much aggro that makes him run like a maniac all over the delve and I have to chase him while pulling extra mobs that I don’t want to even touch?

Ouch :face_with_head_bandage: Is there a TWW equivalent? Otherwise very not cool.

September 27, 2024


  • Guilds can no longer earn faction-specific achievements that do not match the guild’s faction.
    • Developer’s note: This should fix the occasional achievement spam for Diplomacy, United Nations, Dungeon Diplomat, Pandaren Embassy, and Ambassadors.


  • Evoker
    • Augmentation, Devastation
      • Fixed an issue where canceling Deep Breath with Maneuverability could cause the Evoker to briefly fly in place.
  • Warlock
    • Diabolists’ Overlord, Mother of Chaos, and Pit Lord should now attack the target of the spell that summoned them.
    • Fixed an issue where Shared Fate would be applied to the warlock’s current target, rather than the target of the spell that activated its effect.


  • Reduced enemies’ health and damage for solo healers.
  • Brann no longer uses Thirty Yards of Rope to dispel pets.
  • Zekvir’s Lair
    • Zekvir’s damage and health has been reduced for both difficulties.
    • Horrendous Roar is now a 2.5 second cast time for both difficulties (was 2.4 seconds and 2.25 seconds).
    • Web Terror’s hatch time increased.
    • Web Terror’s Web Blast cast time increased.
    • Web Terrors now spawn randomly in the room rather than based off of Zek’vir’s current position.
    • Spittle and Regenerating Carapace’s recast times now change while solo to better match each specialization’s interrupt cooldowns.
    • Fixed an issue where Web Terrors would not despawn when the encounter ended.
    • The damage of Angler’s Web has been reduced.
    • Claw Smash’s visuals have been updated.
    • Fixed an issue where Aspect of the Turtle did not work against Claw Smash.
    • Fixed an issue where Claw Smash and Angler’s Web visuals would not display during the precast.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Xal’atath’s Bargain: Oblivion
    • Addressed an issue where Crystal of Oblivion can sometime fail to path to its target.
  • Siege of Boralus
    • Fixed an issue that caused Dreadcaptain Lockwood to use Gut Shot unexpectedly when disembarking from the ship.
  • Nerub-ar Palace
    • Queen Ansurek
      • Acolyte’s Essence periodic damage reduced by 12.5% on Mythic difficulty.
      • Royal Condemnation damage reduced by 8% on Mythic difficulty.
      • Demonic Gateway, Transcendence spirit, Spirit Link Totem, and Wind Rush Totem are no longer moved unexpectedly during certain moments of the encounter.
      • Fixed issue in Mythic difficulty where warning visualization effects for Shadowgates would sometimes fail to appear after the first cast.
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How about you fix the issues where its spawns during the waves on Fathom, or crosses water duriing Viz.