The War Within Hotfixes - September 19

I am angry at you Blizz. You have such a great story this xpac but everything else is lacking. Stop nerfing the fun things and let us play. Stop making it a game where it’s only fun if you get in before a wowhead post on something. Delves are not solo friendly (ask priests) by their design. It’s constant need for interrupts and stuns with no real strat like ‘LoS’ this or that which makes delves unfun. The tuning is broken right now and you did it. It’s just not fun. I am really upset at this new mindset of constant nerfs to content-nothing has been buffed from a player aspect, just constantly ‘less’ than before whatever changes-crafting, leveling, gathering, delves. Taking away and giving us less just makes it all feel bad. Note: Opinion only, all driven by feelings on this xpac. I have played for a long time and at this point it’s just disappointment. Great art, music (as always) and story! Everything else just isn’t what was advertised at this point in the game. Hoping for more!


“Stop making it a game where it’s only fun if you get in before a wowhead post on something.” I feel this. Maybe we miss who the delves are for. Let’s just ask ourselves. Maybe it’s for people that want a challenge? Oh, but there’s M+ and Mythic raid. Maybe its for the casual / solo player? Well, not anymore. it’s not like it was a broken way to get gear or anything. it’s time gated with keys and you can actually TARGET gear in M+ you just get random loot at the end. I got off stat stuff and a decent staff for the first week of M+ some of the friends I enjoyed them with didn’t even equip their stuff bc the stats were not it for them. So I guess it’s for people to try to fly through for the meta achieve at the end of the xpac for the cool mount?


HAHA so true now that the top guilds that will push Mythic raid have the gear they need, they can shut it down for us peasants.


second thursday hotfix that broke something in a row. somebody needs to take your keys away after wednesdays lol. revert this change and come up with a real fix

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Expecting Blizzard to know how to tune instances after 20 years of developing the SAME game is a hard ask.

Poor little Blizzard, you gotta give them time to gain some expertise in the matter.

  • Players having fun: Better hotfix that Johnny-on-the-spot!
  • Players not having fun: Let’s just ignore the feedback and let them stew a bit…

Folks, don’t hesitate to vote with your wallet.


Let’s be real, we all know it’s some suit that still think’s he is in HS and told his buddies check this out we can still bully the nerds after he hit a blunt in a Joe Rogan Interview. Lol, as I’m writing this my priest friend “I hate delves so much now . . . .”


No acknowledgement yet that they messed things up with the hotfix?

Surely this mess they’ve created wasn’t intended, right?.. right?


Blizzard did a similar thing with Torghast. People were having fun and enjoying it and then they threw a nerf bomb on it and spent the rest of the expansion trying to get people to like it again…but became choreghast. They are watching the race for world first people and we are now having to suffer for it.


I think besides the us here and some people on reddit, I have not seen a single Creator make a video about this and perhaps they think then is all fine. Some people got 3 days to farm them as much as they can while others couldnt and now that we had the chance we cant because they are hard as poop. I hope we hear something tonight so we can try them over the weekend.


LOLOLOL DING DING DING! Winner! Winner! chicken dinner

I saw Harldan on his instructional video but he also said there were problems with Braan.

All the creators used their keys so they won’t go back in until next week. The change also happened last night so editing ect. takes time.

I agree that T8+ probably needed to be a little harder, but the recommended ilvl is flat wrong. Group delves are straight up broken (our 604 raid main tank got hit for 23 million through shield wall in a T7 on a boss’s regular melee swing).

Regardless of the intent of the hotfix, doing it mid-week and LIVE was stupid. The people who got in early this week gained the benefit that is now impossible to gain with the same commitment. The people who were in delves had a confusing experience as their delve was inevitably bricked. The people who came in in post hotfix now get a horrible first impression of delves.


I just soloed t8 deathcrawl mines. My ilvl is 600.

Delves deleted for the rogue class and surely many others. They were impossible solo due to extreme unavoidable damage and no self-sustain, group content is now tuned to be basically impossible unless every source of damage can be avoided. Sweet system btw looking forward to 12.0

It’s not impossible. Looking at you pet class. looking at paladin with a ton of utility/heals. At the end of the day you can’t really put the genie back in the bottle… The gear is random and not targetable or tradable like in M+ the keys are time gated. If I got to pick the piece I got and the stats on it sure but after next week the gear may as well just be a mog token.

Def. I can at least say that at my poor level of skill, i can still do the content at least on my class.

I can see how other classes could struggle. But i don’t think my class should have issues

Thing was Fun therefore broken. Thanks for making the fun thing MoRe BaLAnCeD

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