The War Within Hotfixes - October 3

Lol I love these typical Blizzard changes. Like holy you clowns are so out of touch. I really want to know the reasoning behind this. Literally who thinks this sort of thing was so problematic they needed to “fix” it?


Added the following to today’s hotfix update:

Dungeons and Raids

  • Nerub-ar Palace
    • Queen Ansurek
      • Fixed an issue that caused an inconsistency with Feast’s healing absorb effect, where it would unexpectedly fail to apply through immunities after the Queen’s first usage of the ability.
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Why do u hate arcane so much? It’s absurd how much this spec is ruined by Blizzard.


im right there with ya they werent broken or over performing but they got nerfed anways? WTF IS BLIZZARD SERIOUSLY DOING! STOP TWEEKING BS AND BUFF SPECS!


god damn this game is trash lol


Tell your boss that brewmaster needs something ASAP, thanks.

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if blizz is relying on the fact that this expansion starts a “saga” too boost sales of the next 2 expansions they really need to rethink that with the trash way they are tweaking stuff. i wont be coming back after my script ends…maybe ever

That’s going to help people’s queue times…

I’d heal (sometimes tank) heroics for fun, for stones, and to help people get gear. I guess not anymore, since it’s 100% not worth it anymore.

I will never pay them for an expansion ever again after this garbage, and I’ve paid for every expansion so far (except BfA). I’ll watch the cinematics online if I want to rest of this story.

The changes and oversights they’ve been making are nothing short of insulting to the playerbase, and shows how little they care about having a decent product anymore.

They’ll communicate that just as well as the whole guild bank fiasco, I’m sure.

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Nice just nerf warriors to the ground, while the game its self remains broken. what a joke.

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How about fixing the fact that weekly dailies are not resetting…

yea I plan to be casual this season since I have a lot of stuff going on real life. This just screams blizzard don’t want me playing the game anymore. Before at least I could get some decent gear upgrade it with the weekly tw raid, LFR and some low levle m+ now they reduce the rate to get valor stone not only from normal and heroic dungeon and Open world quest. On top of it they screw up devles why would I play this game?

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Can we please get a fix to whatever you did to break Burden of Power for Arcane? It doesn’t proc at all unless you now spellqueue Blast in to Barrage on the 5th stack of generating a Spellfire Sphere (and we don’t even know if that 100% allows you to proc Burden of Power).

If you only Blast that same 5th stack you don’t generate Burden of Power and it instead skips to Glorious Incandescence, like, at all, you don’t get any buff and miss out on the 20% stronger Arcane Blast.

Please stop causing these completely unnecessary bugs on the live servers, especially on the launch week of mythic+ and mythic raid, this didn’t need to happen when you have a perfectly functional PTR realm to make changes on.

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They did this so elites could sell more carries. God forbid someone should be willing to keep a character to help boost their friends with. That’ll cut into token purchases, and the privilege of top geared elites to make money selling carries.

Would be nice if they ever fixed the grappling hook and between the eyes bugs.

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confused fox noises

Why did you reply to me with that?

i dont mean to be cringe but
i hear arcane i say… Ooooh the Misery :dracthyr_cry_animated:

The absolute last thing we need here is a nerf of any kind, let alone a 5% nerf. I speak for all Priests when I say what we really need is more MOBILITY in play… Mind Flay could be moved from a channeled spell into a mobile tethered spell easily, and that would help a TON in giving us more cast in motion ability.

Also, in general Priests need a better “oh crap” button. I remember when Leap of Faith was were you could basically “blink” yourself out of trouble, instead of “pulling” someone to you; you could talent it in either way. We need that back! Keeping Leap of Faith as is but perhaps adding back in the artifact talent of Trust in the Light to also have that “blink” effect, giving both options of healing your target or yourself for 5% over 6 sec.

We just need more mobility in general…

~ Dani

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Rogues Deathstalker mark still only applies if a target is your active target. If you use action targeting or another target like a dead one is still targeted and you attack a new target and its not your ACTIVE target it wont apply.

Its annoying if you are quickley trying to kill mobs and so on.

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