The War Within Hotfixes - October 24

I really just would like my UI to stop resetting every time I log in. Several of the modules are just BUSTED. I reported it in the bug forum yesterday. I shouldn’t have to fix my UI every time I log on a new character.

Where’s the reversion for the Oct 22 hotfixes? FDK’s are in a really bad spot now with the hero talents that were unjustifiably changed. On top of that now we’re buffing an OP feral class? FFS.


Serious question, no trolling. Do you guys play your own game? You are buffing MM and FERAL. They are top performers. WTF is this


Problem is they don’t. That’s why we’re all literally saying “WTF?”

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Community managers are doing their jobs by posting changes, so I’m not mad at them at all. It’s the idiots hiding behind the Community Managers that have ZERO understanding how the hotfixes buffing MM, Feral while destroying DK makes this game even more imbalanced.

We pay for the game, not the idiot devs who can make stupid changes to make whatever changelog quotas are needed to make OKR’s or WTF metrics they need to stay employed.


They hate frost DKs for some reason.


Did the Does not apply to pvp combat went temporarily missing too?


Poe 2 beta is out next month. Im hoping it is good. I have been paying to play this game each month since 2004… consecutively. I have purchased the highest version of each and every expansion, excluding the OG game. I have been paying for my wife’s account and every expansion since she started playing in 2011. I got the game and 12 month subs for all three of my kids with the launch of TWW. I really regret that last one, none of them want to play. It is no wonder why. I had high hopes for the MS buyout. I had high hopes with the return of Metzen. As Dave Mustaine so eloquently put it, “perspective was lost in the spirit of the chase.” They cant see the forrest for the trees have blocked their view, etc etc. All this to say; for the first time in these 20 years, I’m thinking about unsubbing. My Palladin will be old enough to drink soon, maybe he deserves a break. They spent more time designing the $28 wow themed skins for D4 than they did designing these changes, or this event. I am certain of that.


Is this the rest of the class updates?

Still waiting on those Fury buffs.


Ferals need more, more precious, more power, keep buffing them, may furries rule the world!

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Nerf Assassination rogue it does way too much damage.

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Well guess thats to make up for infinite self healing. Or so the devs logic went.

Its a exploit actually.

To be fair, everyone does (in pvp).

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Define irony…

My guild vault stuff wasn’t in there was it?


no it’s not. the exploit is outlaw-only.

Clearly Blizzard doesn’t play World of Warcraft, they just play theory craft and number manipulation…


Frostfire empowerment was literally nerfed instead of buffed in the 20th patch… (bug)

No fix? So we just do 30% less damage with it than what it should.

And fire mage got a 3% nerf even though its terrible in PvP? Arcane got nerfed instantly??

What are these changes. Feral buffs. No ele nerfs. no rogue nerfs.

Surely warrior buffs are just around the corner…

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