The War Within Hotfixes - October 2

I am sorry. I shall reflect on my negative behavior towards a company that has made so much money to hire testers or throw a hapless intern at the problem. I will do better! :frowning_face:


The “new enemy variants” just hit harder and have more health than the actual end boss of the Delve. Did this just get added as a panic “T8 needs to be harder” thing with zero testing? It’s unplayable right now if you have to pull these mobs.

Okay, it’s not quite that bad. I was on my Healer at the time and EVERYTHING is tuned to unacceptable levels on Healers and has been since the launch of Delves. I can manage them on my DPS Shaman. But it still seems like a bit much of a jump from the difficulty of the rest of the Delve.


i sounds like a number got tuned which tuned all the numbers because they are all connected for many variants (like solo vs group, tank vs dps vs healer, brann vs mobs, boss etc)

im glad i got my bountiful delves done for the day before this hotfix, but im probably going to hold off until it sounds like things get fixed.


Simple fix: undo whatever you did and return delves back to what they were this afternoon when the world was a better place to live in.




Same, glad I have my delve vault slots filled with T7 (gives 1/6 hero vault) and T8 (gives 3/6 hero vault) completed.


Well all my delves are giving me 616ilvl gear, but holy crap, just ran a bountiful with a guildie. t8 and last boss has 124m hp. 600ilvl ret pally with 603ilvl SP and we were almost getting one shot.

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Need to revert this before you all leave for the weekend, was with a tank friend and hes getting shredded.

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So ignoring the NUMEROUS (hopeful) bugs that this hotfix introduced that completely bricked delves, can we talk about some of the intended changes?

While the damage needed to be reduced, why extend the time it needs to take to complete a delve? Part of the original appeal is that they were short. The VAST majority of the feedback was not “group delves are too easy” but “solo delves are too hard and unfun.” Rather than buffing the health to make groups take longer, maybe tune solo delves to be more like groups.

Why? Literally why? The primary complaint was solo delves were more difficult, you have now made group delves more difficult, and now this? As someone who loves m+, i hope whoever made these changes wasn’t trying to make it more like m+. We already have that, it’s m+.


Isn’t the problem that solo players are the ones taking more damage than groups currently?


yeah im glad i did all 4 before the hotfix and sorry to anyone else who tries after. ive been doing all mine solo so they have been challenging. i think 8 is my cap until i get more gear because things definitely 2-3 shot me if im not careful and that was before this change


The addition of a goon squad to T8 really is funny. That’s nothing short of a punitive addition because you guys apparently thought T8 was too easy. Added on top of the current implementation of these hotfixes, including what seems like a baseline difficulty increase and a significant nerf to Brann’s power (neither of these being mentioned in hotfixes), delves are more or less disabled now until or unless more changes are made.


all of the changes made to delves in the last hour hotfix made it impossible to do them as a group you have to pull 1 add in bountifuls and then you still die to it no to mention the fact that revives got nerfed to the point you can not complete a tier 8 bountiful delve at all without a healer undo these changes or no one will do delves


100% This is not the way Blizzard. Solo was overtuned, 2-person group felt great. Now, it is just not even content you should touch. They are so deaf-tone. Why are MMO developers (FFXIV included) so out of touch.


I am already getting the same loot over and over in Delves and items not for the character I ran them on. Nice item level, but for me not worth continuing to run at this time.


You know, these knee jerk “hotfixes” are worse than the bug ridden no cloth drops, “no xp” debuff in 5 mans, The consistent 3 sec lag spikes during theatre troupe if your in a raid

The nerfing of wax turn ins.
the nerfing of XP
the OBVIOUS gear gap from normal to Heroics,

Edit : I forgot the policing of dungeons & LFR so you get deserter if you leave anytime without finishing even if the group is bad and it takes 3 hours,

Whos’ running this gong show? you need to be fired.


please revert whatever you did so you can figure out what in the world just happened to the delve scaling


As a caster DPS with limited to no CC and no good self-sustain/self healing like we used to , Tier 8 feels almost impossible with the outgoing damage.


out of touch? least they have a functional game that hardly has any bugs in it and doesn’t do knee jerk reactions, and breaks a game mode for the night then leaves.


FFXIV’s devs have no idea why people despise the story of Dawntrail and think it’s because it wasn’t ‘epic’ enough.

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