The War Within Hotfixes - October 2

Not sure they do play. If they did play they would know how terrible the scaling is for tier 8 solo, and now they just ignored it and made it WORSE for groups.


Completely broke delves with this patch. Mobs are ungodly broken now. Basic mobs with 3 people have over 12 million HP. Elites have 75 million HP. And they melee for anywhere from 1m-4m. Its ridiculous. Roll back ASAP.


The hotfix took something that was fun and turned it into a grind, group delves were fun and solo was still a challenge, Fun doesn’t need to be fixed revert it ASAP if this doesn’t change it’s a BIG L for delves


Tier 8 and above was already VERY hard to solo at the recommended ilvl taking 20+ mins for many classes.

Grouping was a work around so we could actually do delves (at the recommended ilvl) in a reasonable time.


How did these changes make it through QA, honestly, how? Running w/ a tank, healer and survival hunter on T8. Tank is getting instagibbed. Pet is somehow pulling aggro repeatedly and dying. Terrible. TERRIBLE. Changes. There is no way in hell Blizzard can say this was tested and the changes they pushed in this patch were intentional. QA. C’mon man.


So the beta was for money not for testing


Legit, what’s going on? What kind of spaghetti code nonsense keeps happening to cause tanks to take astronomically more damage with every change?


because in delves the pet taunt doesnt get turned off if in a group

Everyone agrees this is the worse direction to go with hot fixing as it didn’t fix anything at all and made things worse, but betting they will ignore us and will just make it even worse the next hotfix.


Something is wrong with Brann/Zekvir scaling for solo players now. Brann (level 28 for me) is doing roughly 1/20th of the DPS he did half an hour ago.

For reference, prior to the hotfix his Aimed Shot was hitting for ~2M damage. Now it’s hitting for ~50k. Hunting Scope was hitting for ~5M and is now hitting for ~200k. He also seems to be taking significantly more damage


I know you wont revert these changes, because if there’s one thing I’ve learned from playing for 20 years is that hotfixes don’t get reverted and this is now the new norm, should’ve stayed gone since I left in Shadowlands.


I feel this in my bones.

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The scary thing is that these are actually all intentional changes and the more significant changes would be the ones Blizz didn’t mention here. Most notably that they probably considered delves in general to be too ‘easy’ and decided to make them harder as a baseline, along with adding these hotfixes to ‘fix’ group scaling on top of that.


I was in the middle of a Tier 8 solo delve as a tank. Halfway through I started getting one-shotted by trash mobs. One empowered mob hit me for 26.4 million damage in one hit. A regular mob hit me for 16 million. I switched to dps, and the SAME MOB hit me for 1 million. What kind of scaling is that? I guess delves are dead content now.


QA? They all got fired. We’re QA now.

Except we pay them instead of the other way around, and all feedback is disregarded.


Gonna be honest with you, these changes could all be 100% positive changes, and I still wouldn’t care. You had your chance to get your foot in the door with me and failed. If you were hoping Delves could be a new pillar, guess again because you clearly aren’t ready to do it right.


These new hotfixes are questionable.

On paper, it sounds mostly fine (hence my comment a bit ago). Just normalizing Solo experience vs Group experience.

But it’s obvious they’ve changed the tuning as well, and the “new enemy variant” so far in my experience is effectively an extra end boss of the Delve but surrounded by 8 other mobs that will melee you to death in 2-3 hits. Every group I’ve seen that can’t just avoid the pack dies < 10 seconds into the pull, cooldowns or not.


Solo delves as DPS was fun on Tuesday with Brann healing and I actually really enjoyed the new feature. Now its just one shots constantly and Brann does nothing.


Blizz needs to start paying us beta testers



Sure as if that could ever be balanced. How do you balance a solo player vs 1 tank 1 healer and 3 other dps with interrupts, defensives and offensive skills vs only one guy with a TERRIBLE AI that no matter what it does it’s always something that you dont want him to do at wrong times…