The War Within Hotfixes - October 16


I never post on forums unless absolutely necessary but this requires a post.

Brann is completely borked right now and doing roughly 40-45% less damage than even earlier today…

I was looking at my Brann’s damage (level 34~) and comparing the recent 30 minutes to around 4 PM EST and he is now hitting like a wet noodle. Playing Guardian / Protection Warrior was enjoyable in a solo environment because he would do damage while I deal with mechanics and do damage myself.

Now since he doesn’t do any damage, a simple pack of mobs went from being 15 seconds to over 30 seconds? Why is this even a thing?

I’m at 605 ilvl and even attempting T8’s is now going to be a massive slog that went from being 10-15 minutes per to almost 30 minutes each…

Please for the love of god, look into Brann’s scaling again because I couldn’t imagine a more “casual” player even attempting to solo Delves in it’s current state.


THANK YOU! I would get angry at my pet tanks that just could not keep up aggro.

Big win for locks.

Have to see how delves are like for solo but I am happy as a warlock.


Delves are out of the question until this is resolved. You’ve taken your marquee feature for this expansion that was supposed to allow people who either couldn’t group and didn’t want to group be able to do content to get good gear and just made it a lower tear of dungeon that still needs a group.

Why does the Threadmancer hit for 1M a pop with its web-bolt that it can fire off from as far back as Pandaria? Brann is useless as both damage and healer as the targets don’t go after him and his healing isn’t nearly enough to account for the huge swaths of damage from even the most basic of enemies.

Fix it.


Which is great, except for when they’re covered in enemies. It may not be worth risking a life (or your subsequent respawns) just to clear the checkpoint if you have lives left.

Use Demonic Healthstones like your life depends on it. Drain Life is still 100% useless in this expansion. Another fix they really need to do. The pet tank buff was nice but there is still more work to be done (like how Overlord will not attack raid bosses). But Drain life is still broken that it is not worth the mana.

But I use both healing Brann and anything about survival for his abilities.
His healing and pots don’t heal me for full but it still helps a little. The main source of heals comes from the healthstone.

I lost count on how often demonic healthstone has saved my bacon.

Brann is completely useless. how is this ok. Zekvir out of the question until he is fixed for most classes. How depressing


You guys literally double nerfed farseer shaman damage and still took that long to fix it? How low do you want their damage to be?

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They want to force you to do heals xD

It would not be rational to give away all delve gear to half afk players simply because they’re in a group, when soloists actually have the current challenge. The current situation is a fine place to consider direction in.

What else was changed? I logged on today and have nearly a 1-second input lag with everything. I can’t even double jump with lighter than air before hitting the ground. Sometimes I have to spam spacebar and it works on the second jump instead. It’s with every ability. I have a 5900, a 3090, 64gb of ram, and a 990 pro M2. This happened after the hotfix. It’s been fine until now.

And yet, none of that has anything to do with latency. Check with your ISP? Lag is typically related to your internet quality.

I saw on blue tracker they changed the “life” system to where it counted every time someone died and not when they released. Allowing us to revive people without losing a life.

Can anyone confirm if this was an actual change or did they secretly remove that part?

Input lag has nothing to do with my ISP, buddy. Read next time. I have 1gbit fiber up and down.

This is still missing the mark as far as delves are concerned. Necrotic Bolt being cast by regular non-elite Kobyss is hitting for 800k to 1.4mil. I have 4.3mil HP and an interupt with a 1min cooldown. What do you want me to do in this situation?

Edited before I get roasted: I spent 40k gold on a full set of enchants, food, flasks, and both types of health potions. I’m running the Balance druid Delve build from Wowhead. T8, 593 Ilvl. Brann is level 21, Damage, and using the arrowhead and amorphous curios, both 1/4 cause nothing else will drop. I’ve died 3 times to the same 2 trash mobs. I’m using my roots, my vortex, my knockback, my barkskin, regrowth is a joke at 330k hp when I’m getting hit for 1mil+ but I’m using it. Treants aren’t lasting long enough and half the time Brann wanders around doing literally nothing.

I’d also like to mention that I did this exact same delve BEFORE the hotfix today grouped with a Prot Pally and Assassination Rogue and it was nearly a joke it was so easy, so I figured between the group scaling fix yesterday, and the hotfix this evening, solo should be easy. It’s not. It’s not easy.


They do like their one shot mechanics for some reason.

Whoever thought an aoe doing 5 million damage in 3 seconds was a neat idea really needs to be slapped in the face

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K. If you say so.

so i cant hop on to test right now, will tomorrow though and will edit this if my opinion changes, but it sure sounds like from others that this hotfix severely missed the mark in terms of fixing the horrible tuning done yesterday. Maybe it wasn’t clear from all of the comments, but things were broken in the last delve hotfix, not simply hard. Did anyone who made the new tuning adjustments actually go on to the live servers today to test them personally? Did they do so solo, in a group, what role? When making the new hotfix, were they testing it internally as they went along before pushing it live? Did they do so with the same group comp as they did on live? Did they have fun with either version? After pushing it live, did they then hop on live to make sure it played the same as internally? The reason i’m asking all of this is because there seems to be a massive rift between either what the dev(s) want or think they are doing with these hotfixes and what the players want, and i’m not sure which it is.

There also need to be systems in place to prevent this from going on for this long in the first place. There were comments about how it was clearly overtuned starting within 10 minutes of the first hotfix. Sure those could have been people overreacting, but after how many there were in an hour it should have been clear something was wrong and the hotfix should have been reverted. Yes it was late at night. Dont do a MASSIVE tuning hotfix with a lot of potentially bug-able parts late at night in the middle of a week if you don’t want to stay at least an hour to make sure it doesn’t break anything.

Please, please just revert the delve changes you have made over the past 2 days until this can be figured out. We want to have fun.


your efforts to balance this content are doomed to fail because you don’t have a clear vision for what you want it to be and are instead tweaking the content to try to shape the item level distribution of players on the servers. seek jesus.


This is a joke right? Tune.

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Okay, but I don’t like Delves, so when you gonna fix the whole Normal-dungeon-loot-too-low-for-Heroic problem?

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