The War Within Hotfixes - October 16

You guys gotta revert whatever garbage you pushed for delves… they were fun to do as additional content. I went into a delve earlier in the spider zone( i cant remember the dumb name), where at the end you had to kill 3 hulking monstrosities or whatever. It took over 5 minutes each, trying to kill them… they had so much health and the dmg output was just dumb…

Nevermind trying to do 9+ delves… you guys highly overtuned them… should done it earlier in the week before these changes went out…

Stop turning this into m+…

1 step forward, 2 steps back as usual blizz



Can we please stop making things harder. This is getting old. I just want to enjoy the new expansion. But if I am not rushing in to something, i will be forced to get a harder degraded experience when you guys ‘fix’ it. Between being forced to rush, or timegated your really killing all the new xpac fun.


I am so glad I got a refund on this dumpster fire of an expansion and cancelled my subscription! The dev’s are proving they have no clue at all how badly broken this game is at this point and they are driving so many away with these knee jerk “fixes” rather than trying to make it so players actually enjoy themselves.

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I took a long casual stroll through a solo Waterworks Tier 7. Got to the last boss and just got crushed. This seemed much harder than others. I then did a different Tier 7 without issue.

Not sure if this was bugged or intended but it felt very bad as a solo player to spend to much time and effort to hit a wall and get nothing for my time.

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nice, wouldn’t want anyone to have any fun with your new system. way to ruin it early! glad i got my 3 vault slots in before you wrecked it all.

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I’m so glad this was hotfixed. I was having an absolute blast playing this content, now I despise it!


I mean, we all knew this was coming. Delves were too easy when grouped for the gear it drops and it’s supposed to be solo content. But as usual, Blizzard will choose an extreme when it comes to tuning.

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Revert this hotfix in its entirety now. Whoever suggested this deserves the sack, it’s beyond awful. Make solo delves have less HP and do less dmg. That’s the only fix you need. This? Is utter garbage.


Any chance we could get crests dropping properly from delves? Getting 2 runed crests and a few rng based gilded ones per week might as well be a spit in the face with the difficulty of delves currently.

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Ah Blizzard ruining everything as usual. Not even a month in. It’s okay everyone, it’s only going to get worse from here so enjoy things while you can.


I dont think Blizzard understands what makes their players happy.

And you keep contradicting yourselves.

In the lead up to TWW all we heard was talk about:

  1. More accessibility
  2. Understanding that the playerbase was getting older
  3. More varied content for people to do
  4. alternative game modes and paths to meaningful play

and yet you guys implement something and then knee-jerk “fix” it to make it worse again.

Delves, not meant to be hardcore content. My wife, who hates the fast paced gogogo play of Mythics and the pompous people who play them - was enjoying Delves. So was I for that matter. And we finally had something fun to play together that wasnt LFR or just doing old raids.

Now you have overtuned it and ruined that experience.

The Dawnbreaker instance? The extra flying requirements and zipping around in a dungeon? Not a fun experience. The fixes helped but it was still a goofy implementation when one of your key principles has been casual friendly play.

I could go on but the point is you guys say one thing, then do another and seem to continue catering to your hardcore playerbase. Been playing this game 20 years and you keep making the same dumb choices with your balancing.


I’ve been getting a lot of both types. Maybe it’s a server issue? My main tailor is on Trollbane.

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okay, something weird is going on! the professions and bug reports forums both have threads with dozens of us who are in the same boat i am, people who’ve gotten a handful (or less) of both cloth types in the last week.

I thought I was going crazy. I had no idea where those two rune crests I got came from, but it was such a pathetic amount I didn’t care either.

This whole thing is just disappointing.

This is a terrible change. As a tank, Zekvir is infinitely harder after the change.

Oh oh and better yet, Brann’s level is capped at 38 now. Like what’s even the point anymore.

Not even the dev team knows, since these group scaling changes completely broke solo delve scaling.


As long as it remains an option, I’m all for it. If it starts to feel mandatory, that’s where I draw the line.

Wow reading all this make me feel is not even worth attempting to do Delves. I was looking forward to doing them this weekend and have fun but now i feel this part of the content is something i should ignore. Hopefully they do make a correction to the changes.


funny… so all the streamers have the achievement completed, now bliz makes it much harder for us common joes to try to do that. Wonderful…

this sucks