The War Within Hotfixes - October 15

I wanna play as a fire mage, please fix the spec, omg.
And ahh if its possible, make Flamestrike on target, as u did for Shamans Earthquake T.T.

Should just be in the options for all ground target aoes, GW2 has this.

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Blizz how about you fix the random coming out of stealth for absolutely no reason for rogues and druids. it is a major problem.


Lol, we bought an alpha version.

Seriously, Blizzard, I know you won’t respond to this, you never respond to anything that actually effects gameplay or quality of life. But, you screwed us and you damn well know you did. You should apologize for your gross negligence and the poor quality of your expansion. You should also gift a month of service due to us testing your alpha version of a game.

I hope there is a plan to give people who were impacted by the bug credit for the quest at least.

Rogue bug fixes soon please?
Having the cornerstone skill of my build decide to just randomly not work at all feels so bad…


server are available but not online… with no known update way to shut off wow just to shut off wow

with out an update what did they do in the 5 hours ?

so I took the day off, no wife and kids in the house and I get this …blizz you owe me a vacation day

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with the heat in ca i bet they are all outside having a water balloon fight

Please rework outlaw :frowning:

Will you leave my Frost Death Knight alone?! There was nothing wrong with the dmg it was dealing to need a nerf :weary:

Restored guild banks when? Asking for a friend.

They do this crap on both my days off like clockwork now. Take TUESDAY and make that maintenance day like it used to be then leave us alone the other 6 days out of the week

Only take Fridays!
I would also tell you to wait a week after launch… but you did. Sucks!

This is not fixed? Just logged in after 5 hour maintenance on 8/5/2024 and can confirm the issue is still bugged.

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Yep. My Pit Lord looks the same as before, without the portal visual.

Why doesn’t Divide and Conquer with Scale Commander?

Can you look into the weekly quests not reseting for some characters. Been 2 maintenances and still nothing. Not even an acknowledgement of the issue.


Still no fix for the Oracle visual bug with the permanent Illuminati eye? Dear lord.