The War Within Hotfixes - October 10

Isn’t Adventurer higher than Explorer?
I misread that :rofl:
I think…

huh? explain how this “increases” anything lol


Can we get retroactive credit for the World Soul weekly if we’ve already completed one of the requirements before accepting it? I did Awakening the Machine before accepting, for example.

Blizzard math?


Ahhh Adventurer 1/8 is higher than explorer 4/8. I think you got the order in which those two should appear in the sentence wrong. It should be “increased to Adventurer 1/8 (was Explorer 4/8)”. As they are Adventurer 1/4 in game.

No you read it correctly. They got the order swapped around. Explorer 4/8 is lower than Adventurer 1/8. So if the order in the post is correct, it should be ‘decreased to’ instead of ‘increased to’. However we know the order is wrong because heroic dungeon gear are currently 1/8 adventurer in game.


Found a pretty bad dungeon bug.

The Dawnbreaker:

  • Emplaced ground effects, like ones from trinkets such as “Abyssal Trap”, float away while on the moving ships. They should be sticking to the ship’s “ground.”

Frostfire mage talents are still incredibly bugged to the point of which it’s not playable.

Living bomb Nerf is still making an entire side of talents not viable. Please give us some communication on this. Expansion is live now, zero excuses for this.


Blizz, you release another patch expecting to keep interest in a playerbase that expects regular working content, yet you dismiss the crying needs of Otto :face_with_monocle:! Otto needs your help as tons fish are being caught this minute with the expectation Otto would be freed, not shackled behind the invisible forces of bugs! Free Otto & do what is right!

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Any chance for a hot fix for Brawl, haven’t been able to queue since it launched. Just says failed unable to join. No other modes having an issue.

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That is because most 70s are at 480+ when they start right now due to the event. Adjusting to that is going to make new players hate the leveling experience.

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No fix for the lore achievements requirements not working?

When is the fix for Azj-Kahet Pheromone buff coming? I have the buff it doesn’t do anything as the enemies in the city attack me even though the buff icon is displayed as “Active”

I’d be perfectly content if they’d leave my spec alone lol. Other specs need help a lot (looking at you, Frostfire). I feel like Arcane has been under the microscope a whole lot.


Sorry, I didn’t ready all the comments in here, but in other forums people are saying that things are getting nerf this hotfix?
Can someone please explain to me what these nerfs are?

the last quests for “Memories of the Sky” are intentionally time locked to either daily or weekly, i can’t remember which. It was this way in the beta too.

This is now moot with the scaling changes done.

So why did XP locking cutoffs at 69 have to happen?

well be glad if you got EA, no allied race or rewards but at least you got to play. but its cool lets have the game shutdown for the first week of live. Not like you had years to work out the kinks

Not sure if this has been reported on this thread yet, but I did not see it on the list of “hot fixes”. There is currently a bug where if the player receives the Rank 11 Arathi Renown quest before doing Awakened Machine they are unable to trigger the event by speaking to the machine speaker. To my knowledge this bug was first reported in the beta, and it is impacted numerous players already on the live launch of War Within.

Apologies I can’t get into the game to grab the quest name from the Arathi, but I believe it’s something like “Fire and Gemstones”.

Judging by how many stupid things haven’t been addressed during PTR / early access, it’s probably not finished/ready for release.


I should note, the “Fire and Gemstones” (Arathi Renown 11 quest) requires the player to acquire two items from within the Awakened Machine event. So there is no way to complete it without doing Awakened Machine, but since affected players cannot start it we are stuck in limbo

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