The War Within Hotfixes - October 10

Yup! That’s the norm. One percenters say ‘oh it’s too easy’ then the majority get punished.


funny thing was the one video i watch the guy was crying and screaming like a little school girl getting her ice cream taken away begging his bran to kill it for him and he was 1 nanosecond from dying and brann did the deed and he said cocky… wow that was super easy hope they make it harder for others


This is completely borked. Blizzard can’t help but rack up Ls. This doesn’t even seem like it was tested and absolutely hinders this entire pillar of content such that it’s now unplayable for folks.

You shouldn’t need higher ilvl than what the delve even drops to survive auto attacks.

I’m seriously beginning to reconsider how much energy (and money) I invest in this game.

As fast as a cup of coffee…

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First time commenting but I just wanted to say this is a complete joke. Please revert all of these changes. I used to think everyone saying “Fun Detected” was just people whining but now I truly understand. You idiots just nerf everything that is fun.


Welcome! And yes. It’s running meme that is sadly very true.

This is dumb. (Glad to see tuning, but the quoted part specifically.)

I’m just going to skip checkpoints as a stealther until I’m on my last life, so that I get more final boss attempts…

I’m all for adding bonus lives mechanics, but the checkpoints system isn’t it. Maybe tying it to the empowered packs, and base it on killing 3 empowered packs to get a bonus life. Otherwise, it’s really open to exploitation.

Also, still disappointed my tanks are getting crushed because these are fundamentally designed to be played as a DPS (and tanks take more damage). Could you at least consider lowering the scaling here, because if I’m in non-bear form (e.g., puzzles force shift) one single hit is fatal, since you don’t get any of the defenses.

(That’s just delve issues–on the class balance side as a bear, I have 10% less hp in bear form than a DH with 10 less ilvl and 20% less hp than dps players out of bear form – what is bear mastery even doing right now?)

(Also also, there seems to be something wrong with incoming damage, where everything is a tankbuster and AM skills need 100% uptime to avoid being crushed? What’s this hidden system trying to force me to tank as a tank, and why even have damage skills if I’m going to be resource starved and required to maintain uptimes.)


You missed the mark badly, before and after these changes. Solo is at least twice as difficult as group play.

That’s not even mentioning the absurdity that is current group scaling, where it’s easier to have a person afk at the entrance while you do a delve than it is to do it solo.

You need to go back to the basics on delve health and damage scaling and figure out how and why it is SO broken across the board.


Its Wild there has been no blue post response. They had no issues pushing this patch at 8:30 PM PST, should have a blue reply. The response in this thread is unanimous.


LOL cause getting one shot with no recourse is fun. I didn’t even get to this part cause I was already annoyed that the beginning stuff. Now it’s just braindead L from Blizzard.

I’m so tired of this. I’m so tired of Blizzard always ruining things for the majority of players.


Blizzard listens to the 1% / Minority only. Minority said ‘too easy in groups’. This is what we get.


Now imagine you’re doing a T11 delve, you’re on the last boss with a group of folks, and Zekvir spawns in and wipes you out.

Now you have no deaths remaining.


Revert this immediately.

Why are there two elites standing on the checkpoint in Fungal Folly now?

It’s one thing that these elites cast so often you can’t interrupt them enough.

But if you do die, you just lose because you respawn on top of them.

It was really poor judgement to release this. Maybe in beta, but now after it’s out… it’s not fair but so obviously broken and not achieving your goals.


Still happening yesterday. This was not fixed on 9/11…


(Clarification-- SOMETHING was ripping me out of stealth, and THEN webs were dropped.)

Fun was detected, fun was successfully patched


The typical staff won’t arrive for another 90 minutes. The thing that confuses me was how late they shipped this.


So my wife worked all week, and we planned to rank her up from 3 to 8 this weekend. Now duos arent possible? Great.


Why do we even need a lives counter in the first place. How does this interact with Warlock Soulstone and Shaman Reincarnate, do they still loose lives counter when they have autores on a c/d? Like, why, Delves at launch were still challenging as leveling content if you didn’t have ‘bis’ type stuff (which again they still balance around for people to come in with for some reason, so new toons/players/returning players get a MUCH harder start experience which is probably not what they want) and now, again, fun detected, fun nerfed

This is supposed to be a freaking game, let people have fun without it feeling like you think ‘dark souls is a game model every one likes playing’. Especially since they still don’t have accessibility options to change how ‘floor gloop’ and aoes look so that we can properly see the area they are going to hit, or even where they are (the times I’ve died to aoe insta kills from various sources because from what I could see I thought I was out of the aoe only to find out, no, you aren’t is getting frustrating)


Blizzard in their balance-team wisdom once again proving the point:

“Exploit early, exploit often.”

Now you have to guess what they’re going to break too. Maybe they should reset everyone’s progress (lmao, this is sarcasm but I wouldn’t put it past them).


Yes. Any death now counts, even if one person in a party goes down and is ressed.

Oh boy… the problem is that many of these mechanics have back to back interrupts required, and because of your nerfs, Brann is now completely unreliable to dispatch these mechanics AT ALL without a group.

Are Delves supposed to be solo or not? Consider nerfing the criticality of interrupting every spell cast (because almost all hit extremely hard) and they are now not avoidable damage.
