The War Within Hotfixes - October 10

Agreed. It should just be an option. M0 is there for group play, and M+ is coming out shortly. Delves should be for the soloist.


kek go be triggered somewhere else. Funny tho.

I wonder if ff 14 devs make screwups this big on hotfixes?

im not sure, im honestly tempted to play FF14 i never have tried it honestly 
mainly cause salt I was hoping theyd make a true blue FF game RIP 9 remake lol but im debating on giving it a try lol or going back to baulders gate 3 lol that replaced dragon flight for me for a longgg time lol

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So just a heads up, since it seems like you might be unaware. I have heard that the things you say on here (like repeatedly breaking the rules) can result in actions on your account, effecting you in game. You can be muted or even get a temporary ban, just like if you did in game. Whether or not this is true i can not say for sure, but i wouldnt want to test it.

Also, while editing or deleting your posts helps keep future people from seeing (and reporting) it, mods will still be able to see your original posts.


14 updates are very incremental and usually not this big at all.


as bm hunter 605 gear seems very hard you have distroyed this content and gain a major backslash on this content by most of your game lovers, if you want to be a sistaniable company in the market try to get loved by your customers


Why can’t you just leave things alone when people are having fun? Remove all the delve “Hotfixes” they are hot garbage. Thanks.


or maybe we have been playing classic and want out retail main to be shown here instead of an 85 cata character

Nice change it seems appropriate for it to be more in line with M+ in this respect as deaths should count regardless to promote paying attention to mechanics more. Also, thank you for the +1 life at the checkpoint I think that’s a nice bonus and should be a positive change helping people push as they go and learn like myself. The higher end Delves get pretty tough for me personally, but 9-11 is supposed to be harder so prob just me atm (esp not fully enchanted, tiered out, and with no embellishments).

Also appreciate the 20% nerf to spell damage in the least for solo players that I saw on WoWhead if that is accurate! Not sure why tanks need to take more damage solo, but I guess group play is now in line with this damage to make it less advantageous.

I’d say continue to look at damage taken solo for all roles though, and feedback, cause perhaps it is still a bit too high still depending? I only say this because your target audience for these aren’t highend players but casual to midcore players. Obviously Tier?? Zekvir and T9-11 are for hardcore players to push so that’s different.

Currently I think your Tier ? balance for Zekvir is a good intro and stepping stone for the fight, and appreciate you made the intro difficulty the base requirement for Glory of the Delver.

Dev with X (read:Twitter) on the brain overreacting: “The sky is falling we must act fast” acts fast and breaks the very feature they were trying to protect.

The main explanation that I see them following through with feels like a Judd Apatow dialog between the Bobs and “Jumps to Conclusions” Matt.

Initial shot just a screenshot of Sloot’s post on X. Furious typing can be heard in the background. Fade wipe.
Small text insert “Hours later, after the hotfix”
Shot of a board room interview between management Bobs and Matt.

Bobs: “You fixed a bug that encouraged people to ‘party with friends’ to do content.”
Matt: “Yes, it was an exploit that they were doing content too easily as a group”
Bobs: “So you fixed it so no one could do it? ANY of it?”
Matt: “Can’t you see they were going too FAST, they were playing the game too much, too fast. I had to stop them from getting the gear to do more content”
Bobs: “With
 their friends?”
Matt: “Yes, with other players. You can’t do things too easily with other players as a group. That’s what I’ve been saying”

Cuts to a close-up shot with the sign of “MMOR-” with the explaining subtitle “Massive Multi-”
Bobs in Voice-over: “So what is it you think we do here?”

It was okay-ish doing Delves before raiding eating ~1m dmg auto attacks and getting chunked for 1/3rd from webshots. Felt pretty good even getting a T9 down solo as it almost meant, “Yeah, it’s tough fighting a scaling concept and not an actual monster but maybe this encounter design is made within some kind of structured reasoning”. Cause dang, seeing screenshots of people eating 20m+ auto-attacks after a late-night hotfix just leaves me saying “Reason has left the building”


Do you want us to do delves or don’t you. 2 of us close to 600 ilvl can’t complete a T8 delve now. Make up your minds. Either you want us to do your new PvE content or you don’t. Until you reverse your S**** changes today, we won’t be doing delves


This is ridiculous. These are the worst changes so far and will stop people from playing delves completely. Delves will be dead if they arent reduced in difficulty. They are ridiculously difficult For the item levels “recommended”. The one week delves matter most they are now dead. Please look into whoever is making these changes and stop this. Instead of making solo actually enjoyable they brought group delves to the same level of stupidity. At least before we could get through them in a group, now we can barely do them at all. Maybe its time to step back and wait for season 2 when hopefully this is more enjoyable to play.


I can’t even complete a solo tier 8. I mean, do they want us to do T8 at all?


I checked this morning and ran a t7 (ilvl 590) as prot, and it was doable. The end boss was a beast health-wise. My damage intake wasn’t as spiky as yesterday while running t6s.

Speak with your wallet, guys, gals, and non-binary pals. One Mass sub cancellation and people will be forced to come to the office on a saturday.


Ff14 is an amazing mmo. My husband and i played it to the end of Endwalker. Absolutely breathtaking story for an MMO. I still cry buckets just watching people complete it on YouTube is so moving and egotistical powerful. The loads of grown men and women also getting incredibly emotional on video over FF14s story speaks for itself.

I highly recommend giving it a go. There’s some aspects of it that I don’t like, but there’s bad aspects of every mmo.


Seems like they decided T8’s were too easy in groups so just broke it as a fix? M+ has always been the easiest way to level, but some of us don’t like it or have friends we play with who are horrible at mechanics. They were already gate keeping this gear behind a heavy wall that doesn’t exist in M+'s endless gear grind.

On another note, we were able to complete fungal folly by skipping the elite ‘new’ mob, and healing each other until Brann killed the boss (around 9 mins). But the waterworks boss hit him (590 prot pally) in 2 hits, and focused me (597 holy pal) no matter what abilities he used for aggro. Really just a huge waste of time to grind regular mobs that can practically one shot you if you pull 2 or 3. To be bricked on the boss.

Overall just feels like they don’t want us to gear on delves and they want us to gear on other content. I completed N raid and have 2 set bonus. And i don’t like grinding M+. So i guess I won’t raise my ilvl enough to be competitive with the M+ rats like the Devs want.

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I mean I was able to solo a t8 after the hotfix after my 5 man group wiped and quit but I’m 600 ilv and fury heals a ton

Upcoming hotfix: We hear players saying it’s unfair that they got their tier 8 delves in before the hotfix and now can’t complete any delves. As a result, we’re rolling back the vaults of anyone who completed a 5 or higher before the hotfix.