The War Within Hotfixes - March 26

I bought this item by mistake and can’t even RESELL then to get my Gilded Crests back. Why???

wind walker needs a little adjustment in pvp. doing double the damage of everyone else

Still waiting for those Survival Packleader tuning buffs…

So why drop execute by a full 15%? I can see maybe 5%, and I get not wanting all of our Arms damage to come from primarily execute, but you’ve pretty much killed one of the most fun part of playing an Arms war. That electric anticipation of knowing your numbers are about to spike if you can keep your head in the game and survive that long. The feeling that’s been missing since BC where you keep your wars alive until the 25-35% mark and prepare to watch them go HAM on the target. Going from middle of the dps pack, knowing your time is coming and you’re about to school the zone in what the word EXECUTE actually means. You’ve already handed out execute mechanics to many of the other classes, then you killed Obliterate by not carrying it over from Shadowlands, (WTF needs a sparkly spear no one actually specs into??) and now you’re nerf-batting the bejeezus out of it on the… you know… EXECUTE phase of the fight.

yeah, it’s a rant, but I’ve bene playing Arms for the last several expansions, even when the spec sucked for dps. Now that we were finally rockin it in our primary role, you nerf it by 15%. For all of you other classes that think I’m just b**ching, take your highest dps output ability, one that was doing almost 30% of your total damage, and reduce it by 15%.

Did this actually go through as intended? Seems to still be an outlier and hits harder than any other tank mechanic.

So why drop execute by a full 15%? I can see maybe 5%, and I get not wanting all of our Arms damage to come from primarily execute, but you’ve pretty much killed one of the most fun part of playing an Arms war. That electric anticipation of knowing your numbers are about to spike if you can keep your head in the game and survive that long. The feeling that’s been missing since BC where you keep your wars alive until the 25-35% mark and prepare to watch them go HAM on the target. Going from middle of the dps pack, knowing your time is coming and you’re about to school the zone in what the word EXECUTE actually means. You’ve already handed out execute mechanics to many of the other classes, then you killed Obliterate by not carrying it over from Shadowlands, (WTF needs a sparkly spear no one actually specs into??) and now you’re nerf-batting the bejeezus out of execute on the… you know… EXECUTE phase of the fight.

yeah, it’s a rant, but I’ve bene playing Arms for the last several expansions, even when the spec sucked for dps. Now that we were finally rockin it in our primary role, you nerf it by 15%. For all of you other classes that think I’m just b**ching, take your highest dps output ability, one that was doing almost 30% of your total damage, and reduce it by 15%.

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My thoughts exactly…just why such massive nerfs

March 10, 2025


  • Evoker

    • Preservation
      • Fixed an issue where Dream Projection was not benefiting from Mastery: Life-Binder.
  • Hunter

    • Beast Mastery
      • Fixed an issue where Potent Mutagen was reducing the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by a higher amount than intended.
  • Rogue

    • Assassination
      • Fixed an issue where Caustic Spatter would not splash to intended targets near the Rogue when striking very large enemies.


  • Crowd control effects should no longer stun candles in Kriegval’s Rest.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Liberation of Undermine
    • One-Armed Bandit
      • Several creatures in the Gallagio have been conscripted into Gallywix’s security detail, allowing them to detect stealth and invisibility.
    • Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
      • Redcued Sprocketmonger Lockenstock’s health by 5% in Mythic difficulty.
      • Resolved an issue where Blisterizer Mk II’s could rarely, erroneously trigger on players on the belt.
    • Chrome King Gallywix
      • Resolved issues where casting Shadowstep during the Gallywix encounter could potentially lead to the player’s premature demise.
      • Resolved an issue where some class spells, like Unholy Aura, could fail to strike Chrome King Gallywix.


  • [With realm restarts] Mechano-Core Amplifier’s lowest secondary stat effect reduced by 5%.
  • [With realm restarts] Garbagemancer’s Last Resort’s Garbapoclypse delay reduced to 3 seconds (was 10 seconds).
  • Fixed a display issue causing some new Champion track items to appear to have no upgrade track.
  • Fixed an issue causing Myth 4 items to have an incorrect item level.
  • Fixed an issue causing Pirate’s Booty to be impossible to open or destroy.


  • The “Rug Monster!!!” will attack players more frequently when they dare to tread on its carpet.
  • While on “The Getaway”, when your vehicle enters an area where a world quest is located, you’re no longer kicked from your vehicle.
  • Darkfuse Crowd Gassers during “We Own the Streets” are no longer attackable and now behave as intended.
  • Group finding for “The Main Event” is now listed under Raids (was Quests).

Please fix the paragon chest… you will be on hot water when the cartel paragons start popping and people playing the content find the bug


Please fix the Cracked Titan Gem’s Bad Luck Protection.

Please fix the cataclysm quest “Soften Them Up” which was broken with season 1’s Grim Batol rework.

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Rude, party of 1, your table is ready.

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Can warlocks be buffed???

Such an underwhelming class to play with “buffs” doing little to no dmg, meanwhile other pure dps classes are leagues ahead, guilds are asking locks to reroll as they don’t need more than 1… Its really disheartening.

That’s it?

This needs to be done yesterday, but please change Arcane Orb to no longer hit enemies not in combat like you did with other hero talent’ affected spells like Halo back in beta, the majority of this season’s mythic+ pool is rife with narrow areas with large pack density situated nearby which is making positioning as an Arcane Mage almost impossible without random procs of your Arcane Orb pulling one of them.

I cannot stress how much of an issue this has become for Arcane in M+ to the point that you simply cannot play the spec in dungeons like Darkflame Cleft without pulling multiple packs in the darkness area or the first section of Priory of the Sacred Flame where there are countless patrolling packs.

Honourable mention to anyone who wants to get smart with me and tell me to position better, Arcane Missiles automatically changes the direction your character is facing to always lock on to your target during the channel which is resulting in many people having a Spellfrost Teachings proc pull a pack they simply could not prevent from being pulled under any possible circumstance.

All specs should be viable in M+ and Arcane Orb is causing our spec to be a burden even on low keys.

If you’re not going to let Sunfury be viable in keys then change this behaviour with Arcane Orb NOW.

How about stopping the car from dismounting you if you hit a puddle?

Tanks are still learning positioning on these keys. I positioned for a hallway in Cinderbrew to catch the pathing, but didn’t know that would make the mage pull 2 extra packs. After they mentioned something, I positioned 90 degrees from where I was so the orb hit a wall instead.

Boa tarde, estou com um erro no meu mists of pandaria, completei todos os capítulos e missões do monte kun lai e de estepes of taolong, mas o check de area concluída não aparece lá no mapa, oq poderia ser?

When are brewmasters going to be looked at and buffed would like to be viable again.

Can we get VDH skills that are not generating threat fixed?