The War Within Hotfixes - March 18

March 5, 2025


  • Druid
    • Balance
      • Fixed a bug where Harmony of the Heavens could fail to stack to maximum value.
  • Paladin
    • Protection
      • Resolved an issue causing Divine Toll to cast more Avenger’s Shields than intended.


  • The Waterworks
    • Stompin’ Shoes are no longer interrupted by damage.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Cinderbrew Meadery
    • Addressed an issue where Goldie Baronbottom may fail to cast Let It Hail upon reaching 100 energy.
    • Addressed an issue where the exit can take players to the wrong location based on their factions.
  • Liberation of Undermine
    • One-Armed Bandit
      • Corrected an issue where Fiery Dynamite Booty could not explode on death if it was knocked back when it died.
      • Corrected an issue where Traveling Flames could fail to move if placed next to a wall.
      • Added a short cooldown on being hit by Traveling Flames to prevent players from being struck multiple times in quick succession.


  • Fixed an issue where Liberation of Undermine warbound tier head, chest, and leg armor from Normal difficulty could not be upgraded. Existing items have also been fixed.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some legacy World Quests to provide more-powerful rewards than intended.
  • Changed the functionality of Roaring War-Queen’s Citrine to fizzle out when targeting another player with the Roaring War-Queen’s Citrine rather than searching for a new one.

Player versus Player

  • Fixed an issue where Bloody Tokens and Sparks of War were not always dropping from player kills.
  • Sparks of War should now consistently drop from Undermine Shiny Trash Cans.


  • Nikki will no longer shout out her combat lines for players who aren’t on “My Top Gal”.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could force the shredder vehicle off its path during “Cold As Ice.”


  • Interacting with the Riot-Grade Rope should now be more multiplayer friendly.

Can there be a reason stated why crests were removed from the floating orbs across Khaz algar?

Are you at your weekly cap by chance? If you are they will not give any crests

So I don’t see anything in the hotfixes for this. But for the last day+ anyone crafted gear recrafted with PvP sockets kept the sockets. Now if you do it they don’t keep the sockets. Anyone explanation for this? Because as of right now people that didn’t re-craft day 1 got kind of screwed over.


Any chance we could have the Synergistic Brewterializer’s Backfill Barrels detonate after a short period of time if we don’t damage it or have it trigger with AoE?

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I am not at cap. The orbs are now giving Valor stones at about a 50% rate as opposed to crests. This appears to have started with this week’s reset.

It is what blizzard does, rewards those who exploit and punishes the regular players… they do this every season, every major patch, and they still ain’t fixed the Demo Warlock Pet bugs (Since Alpha and Beta!

I never even considered doing a re craft to keep the sockets.

Hopefully this doesn’t go ignored.

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No exploited though. In DF we kept sockets on crafted gear too. I just figured that is how it works. Having to regrind sockets for crafted gear every season seems a little silly to me honestly.

It had been a question a few discords I was in. Like I said above I figured it would just work like DF did.

lol, im literally loling out loud … as i read your post thinking that you thought that in some way blizz cared or the devs cared in any way … LOL now im literally loling again … 20 years this game has been around … this must be the first time that theyve shafted people or not fixed a known bug LOLOLOL, im literally loling again

Gallytech Turbo-Tiller’s damage is half that all other pole arms available in keys for Season2 . I was (un)fortunate to get a heroic track one from Operation: Floodgate this evening.

Mine was fixed when I logged in, not sure if it was the ticket or a hot fix.

I’d really like a confirm on this, whether or not it was an unlisted hotfix, or if it’s a bug that will be fixed?

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Ya, I was going to recraft my gear no matter what day one. But honestly having to regrind all sockets every season seems like a little much. I get on gear you are replacing which is always going to be a few pieces. Also what happens to the gems that were in those sockets? Do you get them back or do you just lose them too?

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March 7, 2025


  • Players now earn Weathered of the Undermine, Carved of the Undermine, and Runed of the Undermine immediately upon outgrowing the use of those crests.


  • Druid
    • Feral
      • Brutal Slash damage reduced by 60% while in Bear Form.
      • Druid of the Claw: Wildpower Surge increases the damage of your next Swipe or Brutal Slash in Bear Form by 300% (was 75%).
  • Paladin
    • Fixed an issue causing Blessing of Dusk to incorrectly grant cooldown reduction to Eye of Tyr.
    • Fixed an issue causing Divine Purpose and Tirion’s Devotion to grant too much cooldown reduction to Lay on Hands.
    • Fixed an issue preventing some dungeon bosses from being able to be hit by Blessed Hammer.


  • Sidestreet Sluice
    • Added a requirement to defeat Darkfuse goblins in the variant to destroy enchanted gold piles.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Mythic Keystones no longer unintentionally drop in Siege of Boralus, Necrotic Wake, and Mists of Tirna Scithe.
  • Player deaths no longer affect the Mythic+ timer on keystone level 2 and 3.
  • Corrected an issue that caused the time targets used for Rating calculation and achievement for several Mythic+ dungeons to differ from the correct values visible in the in-game UI. This may cause one-time slight changes in Mythic+ Rating as ratings are recalculated using the accurate times.
  • Developers’ notes: Today, we’ve we’ve broadly reduced the difficulty of Mythic and Mythic+ dungeons. As a result of the following changes, all enemy health and damage has been reduced by 10% across all Mythic dungeon difficulties, both Mythic 0 and Mythic+.
  • Cinderbrew Meadery
    • Rowdy Patron’s Rowdy Yell damage reduced by 33%.
    • I’pa’s Spouting Stout damage reduced by 33%.
    • I’pa’s Brew Drop health reduced by 18% and movement speed reduced by 14%.
  • Darkflame Cleft
    • Addressed an issue where Ol’ Waxbeard’s Reckless Charge can be cancelled when the target is out of line-of-sight.
    • Ol’waxbeard’s rider melee damage reduced by 42%.
    • Wandering Candle’s Surging Flame is now removed upon Wandering Candle’s death.
    • Crawler Mine’s health reduced by 30% and speed reduced by 29%.
    • Off-Duty Laborer’s Throw Wrench damage reduced by 66%.
    • Coin Operated Crowd Pummeler’s Footbomb Blazing Azerite’s increase to subsequent Timed Explosions reduced by 40%. What a mouthful!
    • Azerite Extractor’s Rapid Extraction groupwide damage reduced by 25%.
    • Azerite Extractor’s Rapid Extraction missile damage reduced by 25%.
    • Mogul Razzdunk’s Gatling Gun damage reduced by 50%.
  • Operation Floodgate
    • Reduced the speed of waves created by Awaken the Swamp by 25%. The movement force applied reduced by 17%.
    • Darkfuse Shredder Pilots are no longer able to melee.
    • Kinetic Explosive Gel now has a permanent 12-second duration.
    • Increased the cooldown of Surprise Inspection on Darkfuse Inspectors by 2 seconds.
    • Reduced the distance of Bubble Burp targeting to 60 yards (was 100).
    • Reduced the physical damage portion of Sludge Claws by 13%.
    • Increased the cast time of Mudslide to 3.5 seconds (was 3).
    • Reduced the physical damage of Thunder Punch by 15%.
    • Reduced the damage of Turbo Bolt by 30%.
  • Operation: Mechagon – Workshop
    • Addressed a bug preventing this dungeon from giving Great Vault credits.
    • Antipersonnel Squirrel’s Health reduced by 93% and can now be attacked.
    • Machinist’s Garden’s “Hidden” Flame Cannon now has a precast visual.
  • Priory of the Sacred Flame
    • Captain Dailcry’s health reduced by 11%.
    • Captain Dailcry’s Pierce Armor damage-over-time bleed reduced by 25%.
    • Captain Dailcry’s Savage Mauling and Taener Duelmal’s Ember Storm now have a 5 second shared cooldown (was 3 seconds).
    • Captain Dailcry’s Savage Mauling now ignores targets that have been hit by it within the last 35 seconds if there are other available targets.
    • High Priest Aemya health reduced by 10%.
    • Guard Captain Suleyman health by 30%.
    • Forge Master Damian health reduced by 10%.
    • Heat Wave damage reduced by 25%.
    • Elaena Emberlanz health reduced by 10%.
    • Taener Duelmal health reduced 10%.
    • Sergeant Shaynemail health reduced by 10%.
    • Added Effect Mechanic Snare to Castigator’s Shield so it can be removed with Snare removals.
    • Prioress Murrpray now has an initial cooldown of 3 seconds on Holy Smite.
    • Prioress Murrpray now clears her energy upon transitioning to Phase 2.
  • The Rookery
    • Addressed an issue where Kyrioss can fail to use its abilities.
  • Theater of Pain
    • Addressed an issue where Sudden Demise can kill players during Xav the Unfallen’s Blood and Glory.
  • Liberation of Undermine
    • Mug’Zee, Heads of Security
      • Fixed an issue that delayed Mug’Zee from entering Intermission while casting other abilities.
      • Gallagio Goons now lock their facing direction while casting Pay Respects.
      • Updated the spawning visuals of Unstable Crawler Mines to be more readable alongside the visuals of Unstable Cluster Bomb.


  • Fixed an issue preventing Conqueror’s Prized Lacquer and Varnish from being used on tier armor catalyzed from certain Delve items.
  • Triumphant Satchel of Carved Undermine Crests, Celebratory Pack of Runed Undermine Crests, and Glorious Cluster of Gilded Undermine Crests now cost 45 runed crests (was 90).
  • Pouch of Weathered Undermine Crests, Satchel of Carved Undermine Crests, and Pack of Runed Undermine Crests are now Rare quality (was Epic).
  • Vaskarn now correctly sells Pack of Runed Undermine Crests.
  • Fixed an issue where several mail armor items granted Strength rather than Agility.
  • Gallytech Turbo-Tiller now has standard melee weapon damage.

Player versus Player

  • Druid
    • Restoration
      • Ancient of Lore (PvP Talent) - Blossom Burst and Mass Blooming now apply instantly to their targets when cast (was delayed by missile).

Reputation and Renown

  • Resolved an issue where players couldn’t get a Restored Coffer Key on reaching renown rank 9 of the Cartels of Undermine.
  • “Sparks of War: Undermine” now grants the correct reputation.


  • More Deeps Spitters and Deeps Larva has been added to improve the associated world quest in the Ringing Deeps, “Deworming Solution.”


  • Fixed an issue preventing players from contributing to Voltstrike and Scrapchewer event progress in Undermine.
  • Micropollutants and Agitated Contaminants will now respawn more quickly during the bonus objective “Darkfuse Precipitant”.
  • “Slime Wranglin’” should now more accurately reflect the location of Runaway Sewage. Get to killin’ for Nanny Talullah.

I posted on a thread in the Bug Report forum to try to get a blue/blizz confirmation.

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After day 1 weekly crests literally cap after a few weeklies.

That has nothing to do with what I asked.

Please don’t let this change apply to PvP combat, it’s basically a trap to bind Swipe/Slash if you aren’t DotC in Bear Form now (and you never play Claw in PvP under any circumstance).

It seems that it will go ignored for now. Sucks but expected. :dracthyr_shrug: