The War Within Hotfixes - February 13

That’s it? In 2 full weeks?


Sort of sad that with all the bugs and things that are outright broken this is all that’s done in the last 2 weeks.


“Do you want to lose customers? Because that’s how you lose customers.”
-Malory Archer, probably.

I thought I was done with 1500 hell in BGB. Made it all the way to 2029! Now, I am on my way back. Guess I’m just not that lucky. Seems weird that bad-luck prevention isn’t in a game mode more or less determined by luck. It also seems weird that the criteria for losing or gaining rating is based on the individual, not the team. I’m the real sucker here, though. I continue to log in and que up for a game mode that I know is broken and was poorly implemented. All while paying for it monthly. With 0 indication that anything will change any time soon.

I have no real way knowing if Blizzard reads any of these posts or if any in-game feedback is read. However, the silence would suggest our concerns are falling on deaf ears. There is no feedback loop. Say something. Not on X, not on any social media; here. Why is this still a problem in 2024 heading into 2025?


we’re still falling through the ships in DB!


BTE def got stealth nerfed what happened to my 2.5 million crits in PvP combat?

I wonder if they actually play these specs, much less the classes. I know Dev’s have a LOT to do, and they are under a LOT of pressure, but having a few just play the class and see how these sweeping changes diminish overall gameplay. As an example, I wondered why it took me longer to get through a delve on my Enhancement shammy. I learned of the nerf some days later, and it really affected the way it felt to play her. Take more direct approach, play the class, take in the content, see what these changes actually feel like, not just how they look on paper.

Ahh, see, you have to rename it. Because the word ‘shuffle’ is in there, it gets filed under brewmaster and discarded. Totally an oversight. :dracthyr_comfy_blue:

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Can brewmaster tanks get some attention surely we could use a buff or 2. Make brewmasters great again!

Some of the Promotion items from the MTN Dew collab are missing after this patch.

The Botwrangler’s Crimson Tabard, Botwrangler’s Belt and the Thrillbot 9000 Battle pet.

The Hateforged Blazecycle Mount appears to be unaffected for me at least.

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December 20, 2024


  • Khaz Algar Safari now awards Waxwick as intended.
  • Fixed an issue with They’re Both Footballs?. Using each toy will now count toward achievement progress.


  • Increased the amount of threat that tanks generate to help smooth out initial snap threat issues and help tanks better keep up with some of the more-threatening damage specs.
  • Hunter
    • Dark Ranger - Fixed an issue with Shadow Surge dealing less damage than intended.
  • Mage
    • Frostfire - Fixed an issue with Excess Frost not reducing Comet Storm / Meteorite’s cooldown the intended amount.

Creatures and NPCs

  • Zexel no longer hides in the barrel when surrounded by the snapdragons.


  • Siege of Boralus
    • Addressed an issue where Singing Steel is inflicting more damage than intended.
  • Lost City of the Tol’vir
    • Fixed a bug that was causing Augh to not drop his equipment drops in Timewalking.
    • Fixed a legacy Timewalking issue where Augh and High Prophet Barim had their loot swapped in Timewalking.
  • Throne of the Tides
    • Fixed a bug where the new scaling in Timewalking would not allow low level players to interact with Neptulon’s Cache.


  • Fixed an issue where the Earthen tabards that can be bought with Flame-Blessed Iron weren’t learnable appearances.
  • Added Titan Disc Fragments as a drop for the Siren Isle quest “Archives: Seeking History”. You should be able to find them by slaying rare spawns, event bosses, and looting chests.
  • Cyrce’s Circlet
    • Fixed an issue where the Fathomdweller’s Runed Citrine wasn’t updating often.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Thunderlord’s Crackling Citrine’s damage to not be reduced in PvP combat.
    • All Singing Citrines are now available.
      • Developers’ notes: This allows players to acquire all of them in the current week. The gems belonging to the goblins, Arathi, and Earthen should come from doing events on the isle that are started at the Siren Isle Command Map. After getting them once, you’ll be able to buy them and store them in your Warbank for your alts as usual. The gems that belong to enemy factions should now be purchasable from Taljori, the Tortollan vendor sitting on the large rock behind Bargus.


  • Fixed an issue causing “On a Paler Horse” to not function.
  • Removed the extra action button from the quest “Rock n’ Stone Revival” to avoid unfortunate overlap with the Go-Pack. The quest still has the tool button attached to the quest objective for activating the stones.
  • Horde players that have faction transferred from Alliance should now be able to complete the Andorhal experience in the Western Plaguelands.

WoW’s 20th Anniversary

  • Players must now be level 30 to accept and turn-in the Celebration Crate quests. Alyxx will continue to be available to turn the crate quests in after the celebration ends in a year-round location.

Still didn’t get Waxwick try again.


The ring is still useless, what is the point of the ring if you have Hero or higher gear?

Levels up each week, eventually becoming higher than all hero track in almost all stats, probably this Tuesday. Definitely higher for mastery, which is damage and/or attack power boosted greatly plus mastery bonus.
The thing is, you have to get specific gems, the added effect gems are useless in all ways, shapes, and forms.

Umbrage for Umbriss Achievement for Grim Batol is removed from the game and impossible now to complete yet still required for Glory of Cataclysm Hero.

I sent a bug report and ticket and the GM also sent a ticket. This was a couple weeks ago, but for a long time now people are unable to get the volcanic stone drake mount. I did literally every achievement needed for the mount but can’t get it because of this. Anyway this can be hotfixed?

desde que compre la expansion no me dieron mi subida de nivel 70 y tuve que mandar un ticket y ya despues de un dia que me la dieron no podia inciar mi expansion porque no me han dado la mision jajaja y ya llevo como 3 dias sin poder jugarla? me acabe justamente hoy la expansion de los dragones y me sale que vaya a dalaran para hablar con khadgar para q me lleve a la expansion voy y no hay nada y me sale el npc en otra localizacion y me da unas misiones que ndqvr con la campaña, la asitencia del cliente de blizzard tarda bastante en respoder los tickets y no da soluciones, las soluciones que me dieron son las q yo tuve que buscar en youtube y no me ayudaron en nada y pues aqui estoy en mi cuarto dia sin poder jugar la expansion que compre XD y pues me dijeron que reportara aqui porque segun los desarrolladores me ayudarian con este bug

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From what i understamd once GM is taken out of M+ rotation it will be achivable.


It’s unclear, but unlikely that this will be made achievable again next season. Since Season 2 of DF (i.e. after Wise Mari) they haven’t been reverting updates to old dungeons. The eels and new Ozumat/Mindbender encounters, for instance, are still in Throne of the Tides. The lurking tempests still in the first boss of the Wind dungeon in Ulduum. Because the encounter functions completely differently, it’s probable they will have to update the meta achievement and move Umbrage for Umbriss to a legacy achievement instead, like they did for the Ozumat encounter achievement.


I’ve got a buddy who is a massive achievement guy (42k+) and this is what he told me. I only came back to wow in this expansion so unsure what happened in last expansions. Guess will have to wait and see.

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Rings can still do verybig damage in PVP…(e.g outlaw-rogue)

Please check it and make sure it’s really fixed

what the need to hot fix is this crap bag isles Shuddering hallows has been glitched for me for weeks I keep putting bug reports in and never get nothing. so screw that new content blizz can stick it up there butts this is ridiculous since Microsoft bought this game it has been a disaster screw microsoft stick to pc’s and xbox thats why i quit playing xbox bc it is crap just like this new zone…