The War Within Hotfixes - February 11

So I’m guessing being able to skip the Shadowlands campaign on level 60+ characters no longer exists then?

Also skipping the maw intro now makes it so that you get no quests in Oribos and you cannot go to any other zone, including the maw.

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Noticing this issue with Oribos as well, it’s impossible to proceed. Really wish Blizz would bring back the story skip proper for chars at level cap so we can farm SL without having to slog thru all of the quests. There’s just so much locked behind a ton of quests unless the skips are offered. Can we also fix the Oribos skybox while we’re at it? :dracthyr_cry_animated:


Can we also fix the garrison hearthstone glitch that leaves you flying in mid air and not able to go anywhere or do anything too please?

Hey kaivax,

I’ve given feedback a few times about how the randomness of withering fire will impact marks hunter in PvP. I am very grateful that you guys made this decision, because it’s going to make that function much easier to tune and balance. I’m not conceited enough to think that it was my feedback specifically that caused it, but thank you for listening. This is a much better baseline.

If you know that you will always get specifically three procs in your burst window, it will be much easier to put reasonable baseline values on rapid, aimed shot, and black arrow outside of trueshot. Base tuning of those spells needs to come up for DR marks in PvP, whether it’s a bug or the actual intended output. I suggest simply baking in the 80/20 talent to black arrow and returning the 20% modifier from the old dr tree in its place. That way you don’t have to make more complicated adjustments and can also baseline it in pve, where damage also needs to come up.

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November 1, 2024


  • Warrior
    • Arms
      • The Recklessness granted by Warlord’s Torment now correctly has its additional Rage generation reduced to 25%.

WoW’s 20th Anniversary

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Ancient Timewarped Scroll from dropping for players who completed “The Ancient Scroll” the week before. It should drop on your next Classic Timewalking run.

yeah getting to Zereth Mortis will be a pain to get the transmog pieces that are locked behind the catalyst and only the catalyst for all the classes.

Also world boss lookalikes and trash drops from the raid. Because for some reason trash drops are still bound to your classes primary armor preferences. As I only seem to get plate trash drops on my warrior.

Also I really hope they make the damn tier tokens from SotFO’s sellable to vendors. Having to manually delete the ones I don’t need for other classes (due to lookalikes existing) is getting really annoying very fast.

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Holy Priest still needs an 80% buff to Renew and a slight buff to Flash Heal in PvP combat, we’re really struggling to climb and are on average 500 rating behind Disc Priests in Shuffle. Our mana regeneration is also the worst out of all healers right now and could use a buff.

Where are the hotfixes for all these bugs on Rogue? Seriously, we need some sort of communication.

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Wow, no words. wow

Yet another day pleading for legitimate real buffs to Holy Priest in PvP that will actually fix our issues, we are the worst spec in the game right now and are drowning here. I can have 3 completely separate cooldowns running on people out of the gate and I still can’t heal through the enemy team’s pressure while freecasting.

The only button that does any reliable level of healing right now is Prayer of Mending, this isn’t okay!

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This is still the most abused expansion warlocks have endured.

  • Still no fix for demons that animate for 2-6 seconds and miss,
  • Still no fix for the wind up play style that does little more damage once wind up is achieved, meanwhile all the other classes are instantly turning out burst while flying across the screen with mobility (all the while the warlocks remains in wind up mode) but at the apex the mobs or other players are already dead
  • Still making the warlock not desired for any content in mythics, raids, or arena pvp) due to mobility, wind up mode, and long cast times with the only instant proc (demon blot) consuming all your globals making wind up time start all over again)
  • still no fixes for the line of sight diabolist summons, who any player or mob seeing the long cast time and summoning animation, needs only get out out of LOS and the Pit lord stays put, doing nothing, the mother of Chaos does pitiful damage but whose attacks go beyond LOS and range, and the Overlord who now attacks even if the person moves out of LOS but will swing and miss at the position if the person moves again when the overlord charges
  • Still an abysmal failure where the tier set provides a small chance to do do (600k) while other classes baseline skills are doing 1.3 mil all day long.

But who will read this? Employees that have charge of the Classes, Developers that consider what can be fixed after the entire warlock thread has posted reasonable fixes… no, just some players who will undoubtedly reply with git gud, sounds like a personal problem, skill issue, or some other troll comment.


The Put Out the Fires quest is still bugged. I just counted 4 buckets on a small fire and it never went out.

Ele is in a terrible state? When can we expect some changes?

Third comment begging for some much needed buffs to Holy Priest in PvP.

still nothing about MM Dark Ranger?

Dragonflight technoscrying world quests have been broken since prepatch.

The item that you need that is supposed to appear in your bag does not populate anymore.

Sadly pvp is such a small minority that 2100 was rank 1.
Its slowly dying out and there is no hype behind it at all.

Please bring back “Hunter’s Advantage” + “Resilience of the hunter” So amazingly beneficial back in shadowlands i dont understand why these were taken out of the game completely after shadowlands. “rejuvinating winds” is great and all but i’d very much rather see it removed for either one of these two above honestly. i could see a choice in the talent tree as far as the “hunter’s mark” goes either a flat 5% dmg above 80% or a flat 5%/10% damage reduction (per talent point?) entire encounter to us as realistically… hunter is taking the most damage WITHOUT a defensive to party/raid WIDE AOE. yes even clothies… but would give us some more versatility on how we want to setup on a M+ key and or Raid boss encounter. do we want to help our healers and stay alive with marks advantage/resilience setup? or do we want the extra 5% mark to burn.

please consider :pray:

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Affliction got nerfed in PvP, is this a stealth nerf or an unintended bug when applying the PvE buffs?

Day 4 of begging for serious Holy Priest buffs.

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