The War Within Hotfixes - February 11

January 3, 2025


  • Brilliant Sunburst Peafowl can now Skyride.
  • Fixed an issue where completing the Dragonflight Season 2 Hero achievement by defeating Sarkareth on Mythic difficulty would not grant an Obsidian Aspectral Earthstone. Characters who previously failed to receive an Earthstone will find one waiting for them in their mail.

Siren Isle

  • Fixed an issue where only rogues with inscription could pickpocket Ashvane Pistol Technique from pirates, now all rogues can pickpocket the technique.

i wonder what an Ashvane Pistol Technique is… to wowhead I go!

Much appreciated!

Dangit, I knew it was gonna get hot fixed. Oh well, thankfully it can be frozen!

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  • Brilliant Sunburst Peafowl can now Skyride.

ok now do that to the otterworldly ottuk carrier ;-;


Ok, i see you.

These hotfixes used to be posted daily, but its been 8 days since the last “Hotfix” and it was nearly 2 weeks since the one before the last update.

Are you discontinuing the practice of updating us on the Hotfixes for this game? Or has the practice of performing daily hotfixes been removed and relegated to massive patches instead?

What is going on with this game? It feels like we’ve gone into a maintenance mode without maintenance for any content thats been put out. I say it feels this way because of the amount of bugs that exist in game but there hasn’t been a daily update on the bugs you have been fixing. So because we’re in a vacuum of information, and bugs still exist, it looks like nothing is happening when things probably are.

For years, decades even, there was the daily hotfix post. Or at the very least it was every other day. I don’t even remember a time when the Hotfixes posts lapsed greater than a week leading up to a major patch.

Can we please go back to having the fixes you perform on the game we all love to play be shown? Can you please tell us the Hotfixes you perform? The bugs you’ve fixed that day? Is it that much of an ask?

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January 13, 2025


  • Fixed an issue where Seabed Leviathan’s Citrine was triggering infinite times when bouncing off thorns-like effects.
  • Fixed an interaction where Roaring War-Queen’s Citrine was being activated by pet deaths, rather than only players, as intended.
  • Fixed a bug that could result in players obtaining unintended cosmetic rewards following a Faction Change. Appearances granted due to the bug will be removed.
  • Vinyl: Triumph of Gnomergan now has a chance to drop from all rares on Mechagon if you have constructed the Gramophone.
  • The drop rate for Azeroth Mini: King Mechagon has been increased from multiple sources around Mechagon.


  • “The Hand of Fate” should now provide players with a boat to reach Azuremyst Isle.
  • Addressed an issue that might have prevented some players from getting the Timewalking quest “The Shrouded Coin” from the last boss in their first dungeon of the week. Players that ran into this issue on a character should see one drop at the end of their next MoP Timewalking run.

Siren Isle

  • Chef Chum Platter and Plank-Master Bluebelly can now be tagged by more players.

can you please fix the infinite node glitch first. It has been ruining the whole economy for over 2 months. Lots of cheaters/bots making sht load of gold from legit players

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Nice to see you guys fixing old achivms. Can you also take a look at this two? They are borderline unachievable right now:

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Hey just throwin it out there since this change came out of left field.

is also incredibly rare if you feel like buffing that drop rate!

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So for me, the take away from this update is no one at Blizzard plays the game. Druid were already dominating in pvp-gets buffed, MM hunters destroy ppl in BGs already-gets buffed, and DK’s yall mine as well just delete that whole class cause it appears you dont want that class played at all LOL. For anyone that enjoys playing Epic BGS as Blood you’re basically worthless now. On the brightside DH is looking on the up and up.

January 14, 2025


  • Hunter
    • Fixed an issue where Black Arrow was dealing more damage than intended.


  • The Flotsurge’s Bellow is now classified as a Snare effect.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Gravesludge’s Icky Sticky Slime to linger longer than intended.

why do you hate marksman sooooo much? ( T^T) p


yet we still get all the “title achievements” on every single log in… but hey let’s bring back plunderstorm since “we” clearly don’t know how to fix any bugs. Entire game is now working as intended… exploits included… can’t punish anyone for things you can’t fix!


Right? Like I would love bugs to be fixed, I still don’t know what plunderstorm is nor do I care. I would also love for M+ to not be garbagy. Hoping S2 isn’t as bad as S1 (I saw the changes and I’m sure there is more that needs to be done).

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So you’re saying there’s a chance

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In the immortal words of Steve Rogers…“I understood that reference.”

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Azuremyst Isle boat you say… Is that a TO the isle only, or does it leave? Cause portal boy doesn’t seem to have a portal and my little level 25 Draenei Rogue would like to leave the isle to get Chromie time so I can actually level up.

Well this isn’t true…it’s still broken
The Shimmering Crystal (WOD version of quest) not received even after completing all 5 for the quest :frowning:

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