The War Within Hotfixes - February 11

January 23, 2025


  • “Halting the Empire’s Fall” in Nazmir and “Informing the Horde” in Vol’dun should now be offered to players that qualify for them.
  • Addressed issues that can cause targets in the Nazjatar Arcane Pylon events to sometimes not be destroyed.

Player versus Player

  • Flask of Saving Graces is no longer able to be used in Rated PvP.


  • Celestial Barrage travel speed reduced by 25%.
  • Celestial Barrage radius reduced by 33%.
  • Celestial Barrage initial flight distance significantly reduced.
  • Celestial Barrage backwards leap height significantly reduced.
  • Call Galefeather delay before Galefeather arrives reduced by 60%.
  • Aura of Zealotry’s active aura now persists for a short duration after leaving the consecration.

Siren Isle

  • Fixed an issue that prevented flying and some of the other unlocked Siren Isle abilities from being account-wide once unlocked.