The War Within: Dungeon and Affix Updates

seems pretty good to me. better to be excluded some weeks than to be excluded literally every week youre not mage/sp/aug

Pretty much this. I’m okay with trying something new, especially a kiss/curse type (though these new affixes are probably problematic with random pugs thinking the damage bonus of that week is far more than just playing a better spec/class).

The level 7 affixes are pretty much all terrible and feel varying degrees of worse making most weeks just feel real bad to play.

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I’m not sure where to even begin with this considering how out of touch these changes are. I strongly urge members of the development team to play their game.


Devs’ expectation: players focus on interrupts in magic heavy dungeons
In reality: magic heavy dungeons are unplayable in pug for the whole week.


Retiring Afflicted and Incorporeal is a HUGE win. Thank you! Btw Raging, Bolstering, and Sanguine are also bad and boring after years of playing with them. Scrap them too. I dont think keys even need affixes but if the idea is keep things fresh, Bolstering ain’t fresh.

And positive bonus affixes are a great idea, but the rotating weakness is the worst possible implementation. You have to know what kind of degen group forming that will lead to in pugs. It would be a disaster. Please dont let that go live. I KNOW you can come up with 4 better ideas than weak to arcane, holy/shadow, nature, frost/fire.


You should provide specific, constructive, actionable feedback. “out of touch” doesn’t meant anything.

better to be excluded some weeks than to be excluded literally every week

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A lot of people have commented on the “kiss” part of the kiss/curse affixes, but I would like to point out that the two different stipulations on the curse part are also imbalanced. There are generally more mobs without mana than with mana in dungeon trash, in my experience, so even on those weeks when your spec has a damage amp, it may not be meaningful if there are only 10 caster mobs in the whole dungeon.

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<3 tbf i dont understand the rogues higher on the thread complaining, both of us double dip here. bleed week and -armor week. W for melee compared to rn

What should have actually happened-

1)Remove tyranical/fortified. Balance it somewhere in the middle

2)Screw sanguine

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Sure. Scrap every single change made under “New Affixes”. That should be plenty actionable. But my point wasn’t to solve the problem for them. It was to voice my displeasure and disdain for this post and the changes it highlights.


I know this is harsh, but it has to be said.

It feels like at no point during the development of these changes did someone say, “Yes, these are all interesting, but are they actually fun?”

From a tank perspective every single change in this list feels worse than DF season 4. The changes only exacerbate the problems currently facing m+ with utility/defensive toolkit disparities while amplifying the pug mentality of “I only want certain specs on x week” by creating artificial disparities in power.


Wth are these affixes, keeping Bolster? Also these affixes that make a class wanted only one week every 4 weeks lmao, imagine if ur unlucky that u get ur class affix and than u get Bolster, no push week for u gg, who thought this is good idea? Instead of this just add heal, tank, melle and range affix buffs than class specifics.


The fact you are changing affixes but are keeping sanguine and bolstering is just crazy to me.


Players will have an opportunity to flex towards different talents

Wait we are getting a re-work for every class! Dam did not see this coming cause right now I’m not sure how I plan to take advantage of 30% bleed damage as a mage…


People always thought that heroic dungeons will have a lockout and yet not one word have been spoken about that on here.

With the exception of the removal of Incorporeal and Afflicted and Mythic 0 becoming a daily lockout, these changes are universally terrible and would be incredibly detrimental for the Mythic+ community at all levels, from the casual +4 to +9 doers to high key pushers and everyone in between, and I think this proposed direction for M+ is extremely misguided.

But to break down every minute detail here:

The absolute best thing about Season 4’s M+ changes was that players could engage with content that provides Aspect Crests without having to deal with many of the incredibly frustrating affixes that are present in the +10 bracket onwards. Now you not only changed Crest acquisition such that you only get the best Crests from +9 or higher keys, but have now changed the affix brackets such that you’re dealing with Bolstering and Sanguine before that bracket, effectively bringing us back to square one with the key system with slightly smaller numbers. I think this is an enormous mistake that punishes alts, players who don’t want to do higher keys, the works far too heavily.

All four of these affixes will make building a team composition extremely frustrating, even moreso than now or in DF S2. Having a “God Comp” is not necessarily a good thing, but at least those players could experience some level of consistency; now the “optimal” comp is just different from week to week which means that everyone has three weeks where they’re sub-optimal.

I also think that the parts of this that make this batch of affixes infuriating stem from affixes like Reckless, Attuned, and Focused that make tanking keys very frustrating. A combination of Focused (or Attuned) alongside Raging would be a death sentence for keys, while Reckless punishes tanks like Warrior, Paladin, and Guardian much harder than, say, Brewmaster.

Lastly, Havoc DH (and an Augmentation Evoker paired alongside it) just circumvents this by virtue of naturally doing Chaos damage with everything (meaning it just always does 10% more damage to trash on any given week), and DH is already a very strong spec with solid utility and the strongest raid buff in the game (that ALREADY gives them 5% more damage, effectively). Havoc’s a shoe-in as it stands and Aug will just be stronger as well by virtue of being super utility-centric and simply buffing the Havoc DH that is already supposed to be 10% better than everything else numbers-wise.

I think these affixes are a very poor way to combat the existence of meta comps and should be reimagined completely (or just removed).

…and on the topic of changes that are incredibly out of touch with what the M+ playerbase has been discussing for years on end, to keep all of Raging, Bolstering and Sanguine when these are universally considered to be key-killing affixes is certainly a decision. These are the affixes M+ players wanted nuked from orbit since BFA, and doubling down on them but removing chill affixes like Spiteful, Entangling, and Volcanic that are extremely low-impact is the literal opposite of what M+ players were hoping for.

TL;DR: I’ll test these changes once testing opens up, but these sound universally terrible and should go back to the drawing board. These feel like a genuine attempt to kill Mythic+ for everyone.


These affixes are pure absolute garbage. Damage increases based on specific damage types being brought is an amazingly stupid idea. This goes back to the question of “Do you guys even play your own game?” Because no one who does would think these affixes were a good idea or were going to make M+ fun in the least.


I understand your goal to highlight damage profiles each week without making them essential, but the pug community will not. You will see a higher ilvl/io Fire mage declined in favor of an Arcane mage on Reckless weeks. You will see no melee comps on Thorned weeks (assuming attackers means melee and if it doesn’t this affix is horrible). You will see Demon Hunters every week because of Chaos damage.

Can you provide further details on your expectations about different gearing and consumables for each affix? Do you expect players to use a trinket that deals Shadow damage on Thorned weeks, a trinket that deals Fire damage on Focused weeks, etc? Do you expect players to swap weapon enchants each week, Authority of Radiant Power on Holy/Fire weeks, Authority of the Depths on Thorned week?


Congratulations blizzard, you managed to destroy it with the mythical plus. It’s all downhill!! Demotivating!